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David Revoy

"Fa Bd Comics" books on SCAMazon: don't buy them. A new article on the blog about the worst publisher reusing my artworks and the one of the Pepper&Carrot community. Full story here:


is this not copyright infringement?

David Revoy

@p Two on the three are clearly copyright infringement.
Only "Heritage" is legal, but it has so many other problem of low quality, changing the meaning of the story, with faking my endorsement that it is on the edge of illegality for the Creative Commons Attribution too.

Grum999 :verified:

@davidrevoy did you report it to amazon?

EDIT: ok I didn't saw you wrote "On my side, I'll try to contact both of them to remove the books."

Hope Amazon will give you a positive answer

David Revoy

@grum999 Same, I'll give update on mastodon about how things are evolving. 🤞

Harkalé Linaï

@davidrevoy à la lecture de ton article, c'est de pire en pire :D l'adresse caramail, sérieux. J'image que leur business model, c'est de chourer pleeeein de BDs en ligne, de les mettre en forme automatiquement et de les vendre en espérant que quelques personnes se fassent avoir ?

Enfin bref, bon courage, c'est pas cool tout ça. D'expérience, la "DMCA takedown request" d'amazon marche bien, je ne pense pas que cet "éditeur" aille contester pour cause de license CC.

Olivier Saraja ☕️📚🦖🛸👻

@Harkale_Linai (oh, je découvre ton compte et tes magnifiques peintures. te voilà suivi(e) par une personne supplémentaire) Cc @davidrevoy

David Revoy

@Harkale_Linai Merci pour tes mots de soutients et l'astuce de la DMCA. :blobcatheart:
Je vais y regarder. Certe, le niveau creuse de plus en plus profond. :rblobglare:

Bon, il faut aussi que je me remonte le morale car c'est aussi le coup de "l'arbre qui tombe qui fait plus de bruit que la foret qui pousse": l'édition nationale en Norvège se présente très bien et l'éditeur m'a déjà envoyé un super soutient avec en plus PDFs de relectures et tout. Idem pour une version Occitan en prépa...

Harkalé Linaï

@davidrevoy c'est super, félicitations pour l'édition norvégienne ! (et la possible future version occitane)

Sylvia Ritter

@davidrevoy So sorry that this is happening to you. If someone breaks one of the rules of the creative commons, the rules of copyrighted artworks apply. I saw that two of these books aren't available for purchase anymore but Amazon has to remove the whole product page...

David Revoy

@sylvia_ritter Oh, thanks for the news: I just saw the two copyright fan-art infringements are not purchasable now.
Good. I sent a copyright infringement, ( ) but I received a refusal letter. ( ).
Also, their website is now down since 3 days: ... I have no idea what's happening, but I'm glad, it is fading in the dark like that. 😆

Sylvia Ritter

@davidrevoy Which copyright infringement form did you use? There are several pages for each subdomain. I only had to add a verification code on the UK page a very long time ago. They are not allowed to refuse your request. Did you resubmit the information they requested?

maxmoon 🌱

@davidrevoy It's so sad, that someone wants to make money this way, even if it's okay to use the work of others.

They just don't appreciate the work and want to make money.

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