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My opinion on BlueSky is that it seems like a reaction to the scrutiny they face by governments around the world.

If Twitter cared about the open web, they wouldn't have treated 3rd party api devs like they have.

Don't forget they are a business, with shareholders and revenue expectations. #blueSky


YouTube, TikTok, Facebook and Instagram are the more dominant platforms and it will be interesting to see if they follow suit.

Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

@dansup I am struggling to understand what #BlueSky actually, well, is.

The community website just mentions a bunch of random decentralized/p2p projects in a way that makes it seem like they're all part of BlyeSky (whatever that is supposed to mean).

I understand the context (Twitter being Twitter), but it's unclear to me what is the actual direction they're going.

Do you have more concrete info?


@rysiek From what I gather, it's an experiment to determine the best way to "decentralize" twitter.

Rysiekúr Memesson 🇺🇦

@dansup yeah, that much I get. So I guess there is still no specific direction chosen?

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