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We are constantly improving Tutanota.

How to you like our latest improvement? Conversation view! 😎👇

Check out what we have done before:

⚡️ U2F on all devices
⚡️ Biometrics unlock on mobile
⚡️ Offline mode on all devices
⚡️ Sender name per alias
⚡️ Subfolders

And take a look at what we have planned for the future:


@Tutanota I am really excited to see import emails on the roadmap! This is one I have been waiting for.

Samuel Plumppu

@Tutanota Really enjoying the conversation view. Still needs improvements but it's a promising start - keep it up! 🙌

Specifically, could all related emails in the inbox be shown as one thread? This would make the inbox much easier to navigate and use.


@Tutanota I'm desperate to get out of Google Workspace, get that import nailed and I'm sold. Proton and Skiff have very nearly received my business a couple of times but neither have the Tutanota touch

Filip 🌱 ❄️ 🦀

@Tutanota is there any chance you'd reconsider something similar to a bridge, for those who'd like to use Thunderbird/K9 as their client? It is useful to have 1 client for all emails you might have


@hhg We'll thin about how to solve this, thanks for your feedback!


@Tutanota Love all of them. Thanks for the notification on biometrics by the way, I'd have missed that otherwise.

The only thing I believe Tutanota is missing compared to e.g. Outlook is better accessibility. Right-click menu on desktop for example isn't utilized at all! It doesn't feel like a desktop app, but like a web version. Unintuitive, but tolerable. Offering clients safe and secure emails is the priority after all.

Tiago Domingues

@Tutanota contact integration please... It's like a must at this point. Crypto is also welcome.


@everonline That's already on our roadmap. You can pay with crypto via our partner proxystore.

Tiago Domingues

@Tutanota can you add an option to select multiple spelling checkers, for example someone that writes in two different languages need to constantly change the setting back and forward. That would be greatly appreciated.


@everonline That's currently not possible, but we'll keep it in mind.

Tiago Domingues

@Tutanota thanks for your reply, not as important as contact sync but mor of a nice to have if possible.

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