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Dear @protonmail Thanks for your reply in below thread, we'll contact CyberNews.

May we ask what measures you have in place to make sure that your partners stick to your own requirements? If not, it gives the impression that you are ok with them spreading false info about us.

jay :v_gay: :v_greyace:

@Tutanota I wouldn't worry about this blog too much, I just read it and if I didn't know either of the services I'd get a better impression of you than Proton.

I am familiar and do use both services, but the blog showing a table of pricing where proton is x4 more expensive than your plans, and then saying that the winner in pricing is Proton... is a little indicative and reminds me of every other cheap blog that's on the internet.

That's forgetting at the beginning they show a table with features for each client, yours having more and getting a lower score.

@Tutanota I wouldn't worry about this blog too much, I just read it and if I didn't know either of the services I'd get a better impression of you than Proton.

I am familiar and do use both services, but the blog showing a table of pricing where proton is x4 more expensive than your plans, and then saying that the winner in pricing is Proton... is a little indicative and reminds me of every other cheap blog that's on the internet.


@Tutanota @protonmail This is disturbing, all parties should be working to prevent #misformation when they see it or become aware of it. lets not pass the buck but go straight to the source and call them out.

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