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Never anticipated I would add Groups to Pixelfed. I saw how my partner uses FB Groups and it clicked.

This is exactly what we're missing in the fediverse, a means to discover and engage with interests and topics that interest you.

Hashtags and local/network timelines only do so much.

Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
@dansup yeah hashtags are meh for the fediverse, I will probably tweak search or add an endpoint so I can combine hashtags with user(s).
There is a reason why the GnuSocial folks want their groups, it was neat like idk, chatrooms on IRC.

@dansup totally. It will boost pixelfed a lot

Григорий Клюшников

I've been using VK for ages (literally, I signed up in 2007) so it wasn't even a question whether I need groups and events, it's what they should be and how they should federate :D

Skoop (Stefan Koopmanschap)

@dansup groups is definitely something I'm missing here, but I'm not sure if the Pixelfed platform is the most logical place to add it to be honest

Skoop (Stefan Koopmanschap)

@dansup for me personally, pixelfed is a (sort of) replacement for instagram just as mastodon is a (sort of) replacement for twitter. groups would make more sense either in mastodon or in a new platform that could (sort of) replace Facebook


@dansup innovate, not imitate. #instagram doesn't have such a feature anyhow

Mike Macgirvin

> This is exactly what we're missing in the fediverse

Maybe from Pixelfed and Mastodon, but we've always had groups in the fediverse. Always. You've been talking about it and pushing your vapourware for how many years now?
Patricia Pratas

@dansup great!! Extremely useful. The groups are the only feature that keeps me on FB.

AJ Sadauskas

@dansup Will this play nicely with Lemmy and Hexbear?

Zbigniew 'Emill' Pławecki ♿️🎮

@dansup can't wait :D
it will be probably a bit tricky to explain people outside of fedi-world why groups aren't on Mastodon but on Pixelfed (aka. "this app for photos and pictures") but it's definetely worth to give it a shot and try :D

Michael Bishop ☕

@dansup Groups is one main reason I still have Facebook. I am looking for an alternative so I can leave the place.

Toran Shaw - M7TOR

@dansup yes, it would be nice to create groups where you can interact with people [more directly] on different servers!


@dansup as others have said, this sounds like a reimplementation of Lemmy. To me, one of the nice parts of the fediverse is being closer to the Unix philosophy of do one thing, do it well, and communicate with an easy/open standard so others can do complementary things.

Pixelfed is for photos. Lemmy (and the others) are for groups.


@dansup I'm sure you've done the right choice, but have you considered Mobilizion ?

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