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Evan Prodromou

Hey gang! Should we buy TikTok and make it federated?

Dave ✨

@evan I heard this in that generic synthesised TikTok voice 😀


@evan I've got… $17. How much does that bring us to total

Evan Prodromou

@mcc we've got a good start! Almost... Lemme see here...
Carry the two... Right around $17 dollars.


@evan I'm sorry Evan but we're going to have to sell your mustache on the black market

Evan Prodromou

@mcc ok well with your $17 and my moustache money that should put us over the top

Luke What is TikTok. I see my neighbours kids dancing to their phones on window sills I’m like Boogie time but lol. What !!!!!!!

Doug Henderson 🇨🇦 :flag_AB:

@evan It would have the same barrier to entry as Mastodon has for a lot of the bird site users. They just want to sign on and post shit ^H^H^H^H^H lovingly created original content. Having to pick some place to sign up, and then signing on there is just too high a barrier for some of them. And that is a blessing in disguise.

Jim Parsons

Hmmmm, federated cocaine? 🧐

#TikTok and its algos should be a controlled substance 🧠 tightly regulated

(otherwise more bears in all nations will be using it all day and long into the night 🐾 🐾)

#BigTech #Media
#Attention #Hack
#Privacy #Surveillance

...will he ever win?

@evan Sort of? Something like Peertube could be coerced into serving a similar function, given a mobile client and a clever algorithm.

That algorithm is the main product of TikTok. It's unsettlingly good at catering content to the viewer-- hell, it diagnosed me with ADHD before any doctor did. But I also had to delete the app because I couldn't stop myself from scrolling round the clock.

Occasionally I wonder whether an algorithm like that could have a chance at redemption, if the perverse profit-greedy drive for engagement could be removed, or if that's just an inherent trait of an algorithmic feed.

@evan Sort of? Something like Peertube could be coerced into serving a similar function, given a mobile client and a clever algorithm.

That algorithm is the main product of TikTok. It's unsettlingly good at catering content to the viewer-- hell, it diagnosed me with ADHD before any doctor did. But I also had to delete the app because I couldn't stop myself from scrolling round the clock.

Space Catitude 🚀

Who's "we"? I'm not paying for that! I don't even use it!

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