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Craig Nicol

@david @HistoPol @paul am I going to have to start cryptographically signing all my posts?

David Boles replied to Craig

@craignicol @HistoPol @paul

Not your posts -- your face and your voice! Where is Elon when we need cryptographic brain implants to sign our every thought?

HistoPol (#HP) replied to David

@david @craignicol @paul

Facial and voice recognition would be even worse, due to #identitytheft

Last year, I declined a good offer from a financial institution because I was only possible through video conferencing and authentication.

No go for me.

Nowadays, you cannot know what might be illegal next year.

David Boles replied to HistoPol

@HistoPol @craignicol @paul

You should try to verify your identity with Facebook sometime. They want a photo. Dated paper with your signature. Code numbers on the paper. Government ID. And it's all verified by a Bot and if the Bot can't read all that, you can't get back on because there are no humans looking at anything unless it's a special circumstance.

HistoPol (#HP) replied to Craig

@craignicol @david @paul

If that were be the case, I would not be posting anymore. At all.

Hundreds of thousands of people have suffered data breaches at the big SM sites.

If that info goes to a) authoritarian states or b) to (some) Red states and it is about abortion are in really DEEP trouble.

When #Elmo tried to localize me through emphatically requesting that I enter my phone number, I decided to stay #twitterbanned

ABSOLUTE #dealbreaker IMHO.

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