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David Boles

@craignicol @HistoPol @paul

Not your posts -- your face and your voice! Where is Elon when we need cryptographic brain implants to sign our every thought?

HistoPol (#HP) replied to David

@david @craignicol @paul

Facial and voice recognition would be even worse, due to #identitytheft

Last year, I declined a good offer from a financial institution because I was only possible through video conferencing and authentication.

No go for me.

Nowadays, you cannot know what might be illegal next year.

David Boles replied to HistoPol

@HistoPol @craignicol @paul

You should try to verify your identity with Facebook sometime. They want a photo. Dated paper with your signature. Code numbers on the paper. Government ID. And it's all verified by a Bot and if the Bot can't read all that, you can't get back on because there are no humans looking at anything unless it's a special circumstance.

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