@atomicpoet @maegul IE “validated” the web, but also set back its development for over a decade, wasting inordinate amounts of developer time trying to work around its limitations and preventing some useful ideas from reaching any kind of popularity.
This is a discussion we already had. It would be better for the Fediverse if platforms focused on the lower level without being opinionated on what should be accepted and what shouldn't, allowing UX to be customizable and extensible.
@atomicpoet @maegul I should be able to read an Article from my Fediverse client regardless of what my server platform thinks about it. I should likewise be able to receive (and see) any kind of object sent by people I subscribe to regardless of my server platform capability to handle it. AP servers shouldn't be the ones responsible for deciding which object types and attributes the user has access to. That should be the client's responsibility.