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You can "follow" hashtags on Pixelfed and see them in your timeline.

It's an interesting way to discover new content in your home timeline.

Though I wonder if people would prefer if it showed one post per account, or keep it the way it is and show the latest posts with that hashtag. What do you think?

#pixelfed #pixeldev


@dansup showing all the posts is way better in my opinion. There is not point in using hashtags to reference some content if nobody can se it.


@Lapineige It only will show public posts containing that hashtag, what I meant was should it limit it to one post per account or just show the latest posts regardless of if its from the same account.


@dansup that's what I understood, and I think it should remains chronological, with all posts from every account.


@Lapineige Oh I see, thanks for the feedback! Will just keep it as it is, chronological :)


@dansup I would prefer if all public posts from the same account with this hashtag are shown.

If I love food photography but I’m not interested in following an account for a reason (e.g. the other posts trigger something) this is a great way to solve this dilemma


@dansup it should be like more hashtag posts in the tl and only one picture with every hashtag

J. C. Hammons

@dansup I haven't used this feature yet, but I would think one post per account would be the most useful and least confusing.

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