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Григорий Клюшников

Oh btw. What's the thing with apostrophes? I always use ' but I sometimes see people use some other character instead (you do it too) that's almost the same but a bit slanted. Why?


@grishka @samhenrigold the way the apostrophe looks depends on the font you are using and the system set up. Most systems are set up to replace the vertical character you use with a single quote character. Serif fonts will give you a single curly quote instead of that slanted straight quote.

sam henri gold

@Nanajandee @grishka Bingo. Typographically, it’s best to try and use “curly quotes” so I always try to use them in the strings I write.


@grishka @samhenrigold ‘ (slanted) is the correct one. If you’re single-quoting, you want the opposite one at the start and that one at the end: ‘for example’ (these are different: the first is heavy at the bottom, the second at the top!)

And it’s language-specific, too. French uses these for double quotes: «ou là là». German uses these: „Hallo!“ But English uses these: “What’s up?” (English has both at the top. Also, German faces inwards, hugging the content.)

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