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David Revoy

It's the first SEO/Adv email I receive of this kind with a custom header that attempts the fake-friendly "hey, see, I speak about you" intro and the wording looks like a poor mashup of my About page.

That's why I'm suspicious this is part of a new generation of AI-enhanced spam (I can't verify it, it's only a guess) and I wanted to share it.

Have you got this recently in your mailbox? What do you think about it?

9 comments | Expand all CWs
Takiro ๐ŸŽจ

Just what humanity needed.

Biterr White

@davidrevoy SpamGPT


@davidrevoy This is really well done. ๐Ÿ˜•

Arne Babenhauserheide

@davidrevoy Looks not that different from spam Iโ€™m getting. I would guess they have a person who writes that spam.

f4grx Sebastien (OLD ACCOUNT)

@davidrevoy you have time to read spam?


I'm a programmer with a LinkedIn, and my email address is in a ton of public repository commit histories, and I've been getting the same kinds of emails for about a decade and they sound about the same. Whether it's AI or not really doesn't make a difference to me; it's the same kind of spam either way.

Solinvictus :verified:

@davidrevoy my goodness, this is like next level phishing... thatโ€™s not bad :0560:


> ...if you're getting best value


David Revoy

@tennoseremel oh, yes, even double facepalm. ๐Ÿ˜†

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