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@davidrevoy this is so beautiful ❤️ probably gonna use that for my error pages going forward!

Drew DeVault

@davidrevoy I just posted an errata for that RFC, which is my first official contribution to the IETF lol

Rémi Letot

@davidrevoy damned, maintenant on a besoin de sites web qui utilisent ce code d'erreur 🙂

Þór Sigurðsson

@davidrevoy Which reminds me that is in fact time to get an ESP32 and mod the teapot.

GET will return 418
TEMP will return temp
STATE will return cold, heating or hot

mushroom 🍄
@davidrevoy aww cute
are http framasoft an attempt to superset :catto:

@davidrevoy you sure that's an teapot because it looks a lot like a catpot to me?

Dan Jones

I love this.

I regularly use 418 in unit tests that have anything to do with HTTP responses.

I'll have to find a way to incorporate this image somewhere in my tests.

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