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David Revoy

... because:

• Independence: No one has control over what I watch, what I use, and how I use it.

• Technology: Super performances, ability to script almost everything, usage of standards.

• Transparency: It's open-source, you can investigate any part.

• Control of my data/privacy: I don't want companies to influence my behavior through targeted ads.


Désolé de faire le correcteur. Je crois que tu voulais dire through et pas threw ?

David Revoy

@Zekovski Oh merci c'est sympa. Je les confonds souvent ces deux là. Corrigé :blobcatheart:


@davidrevoy Same feelings :blobPikaLove: And great community too!

David Revoy

@tristen Hey, I guess it will be part of the update I'll receive in the coming weeks on Fedora 37 KDE. I'm sure I'll love the tiling and the multi-slot color-picker widget.


@davidrevoy I miss a little and cute GNU in that drafts... but I like a lot that draw! Thanks a lot for your artwork!

David Revoy

@victorhck Thanks! Oh yes, I saw it when I posted the drawing (it was a pretty short time budget to make the drawing and launch, especially on Valentine's day). You'll find it written on the image alt description text.


@davidrevoy love the piece, and of course love free software 😊

David Revoy

@sudo Hey, mea culpa, I forgot it. While drawing this art, I used my KDE Plasma kickoff menu to get an idea of the software I wanted her to draw. You'll find GNU noted in the image description.


عالی! 😄
یه چیزِ دیگه...
اگر جهتِ لوگوها به‌سمتِ خودِ شخصیتت بود به‌تر نمی‌شد؟
طوری‌که انگار اون طراحی‌شون کرده.

David Revoy

@sudo Oh sure, the rotation of the logo is a bit random and could be improved. Thanks for noticing.



I just found this game called #Holocure, it's a game like #VampireSurvivors

It plays on PC and supports controller play, and it's #FreeSoftware (at least for now)

David Revoy

@kinyutaka Hey, thanks for sharing, it looks indeed free but not published under a license that will perpetually make the software free (and I can't test, no Linux release).
The Free Software I love (eg. Krita/Kdenlive) is "Free/Libre and Open Source" (but English often simplifies it to "Free"). They are published with a license that constrains all contributors to open the code and make it available, all the time. It gives to users a lot of freedom and benefits.



I had a feeling there were caveats, but I just wanted to share.

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