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Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

For anyone confused why they can’t find me elsewhere: I have removed my personal Mastodon account.

Rob Bos

@gamingonlinux Good luck! Maybe some space and time will help you get some balance back.

Vile Lasagna

@gamingonlinux Oh, yeesh. I saw what I think was your last toot vanishing before my eyes. Didn't think it was the whole acc

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Frankly I’m tired of online life, especially the Mastodon cops *cough* sorry the Fediverse cops, everyone instantly hating on each other, asking for help on something and getting hate in reply etc etc.



This seems to be an issue on all public platforms unfortunately

DesRoin :fullstacklive:

Oh? So far I've only seen the more friendly parts of this platform myself tbh
Sorry something like that happened to you :/

:windows: Neiloch :gamepad:

@gamingonlinux Haven't seen that at all myself. Surprised to hear it actually. Only type of Fediverse/Mastodon specific posts I have seen are explainers and guides.

Shredd Tone :bh_s_k: :chk_g_w:

@gamingonlinux Sorry this has happened to you. I've only ever saw this strange behavior from other platforms, not so much from here myself.

cybik :deifirev:

@gamingonlinux the fedicops can /oh my/ my /WAIT NO/ very hard.


I think people are lately very tense about things here and I am also tired whenever I see a trace of some of the topics where people are tense.

The only, ONLY place on the Internet (that is excluding Gemini) where I've felt comfortable and with no dramas is Tumblr, I would recommend anyone to create a Tumblr account, the grass is greener outside

esistgut :linux:

@gamingonlinux can you please tell us a little bit more? What kind of negative experiences you had?

Jigme Datse

@gamingonlinux It's tricky... Often people will get a wrong or not right impression, and if there isn't a willingness to help to get that straightened out, it can get right terrible. Even when it maybe could work very well, if even *one* person would willingly back off... But honestly, it seems to happen rarely. But it's worth giving a try, to have those rare times...


i soooo hear you. try nostr if you've still got the spoons. 🫂


@gamingonlinux I hear you. It's like everyone's on a knife's edge lately.


@gamingonlinux I guess having a big follower base comes with the curse of also getting some bad apples to ruin your day every time you try to give your opinion.


@gamingonlinux 👍 musk ruined two social media platforms

R. L. Dane :debian: :openbsd:


Sorry you've had negative experiences. What's a mastocop/fedicop?


@gamingonlinux Times like this are why I'm glad I only manage to aquire small followings everywhere I go. As soon as you get into values of 10's of thousands complete asshats become a part of daily life.

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

And then i get replies like this. And Mastodon doesn’t really have much filtering to help with this but unhelpful fucks like this can take a long walk off a short bridge tbh


@gamingonlinux my recommendation is to be liberal with your blocks, but I understand that it gets stressful over time, especially since these are people with obviously nothing better to do with their lives than be obnoxious ticks looking for some visibility at the expenses of passionate workers like you.

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

@oblomov oh i block early and often but they keep on coming 💀


@gamingonlinux yeah, it would be ideal if someone could help you swat the flies 8-P

Liam @ GamingOnLinux 🐧🎮

Anyway I’ll probably just go back to sharing news and stuff and interacting less personally because people online are constantly terrible when you have any kind of following and it constantly burns me out 👍

mason :lgtspd:

@gamingonlinux i’ve resorted to only being personal when it comes to one-on-one interactions; i won’t be too personal in terms of my posts, but i’ll reply and DM as such


@gamingonlinux sorry to read you're getting upset about some misbehaving onliners who probably did not get proper education and/or love and care, but as my physics teacher used to say, the dogs bark, but the caravan goes on. I made that my everyday mantra and now you can too 🙌 take care and keep going 👍

Diane 🕵

@gamingonlinux That sucks.

It's annoying that a smallish chunk of loud people mean we can't have nice things.

Internet Rando

@gamingonlinux Love your work dude. always have. sorry some people are morons.

Bookhouse Games

@gamingonlinux I have always followed you because you're great. I'm sorry these things are happening to you.

Gardiner Bryant

@gamingonlinux you are a wonderful person and I have nothing but good things to say about you.

Don't worry about what others think, though. They're usually wrong.

Horațiu 🐿️

@gamingonlinux Sad to hear about your experience 😞 but it`s completely undersnatdable.
I think that, with the internet and society being as it is, one should mostly just focus on their positive impact and ignore the negative parts, as it`s impossible to be accepted by everyone yet too easy to be controversial (even with small things).
But ofc that`ѕ easier sad than done, unfortunately.

Paul Taylor

@gamingonlinux Even though I’ve not been on the receiving end of it, it still makes me sad that this shit is here. I was hoping to get away from that after moving from Twitter.

rhys the great

@gamingonlinux fwiw I like your online presence and content a lot :)

I've seen other cool folks driven off this platform already and I hope you don't follow suit.


@gamingonlinux there are forums for that. They shouldn't adress your personal account


@gamingonlinux Unfortunately the most negative people tend to be the loudest.

Just know that we're all following you because we like what you talk about.

You are one of my favorite people on the internet as your content is informative and oddly calming in the maelstrom of clickbait.

Gytis Repečka

@gamingonlinux So far I find fediverse the most friendly virtual social space 🧐


@gamingonlinux I find that having any sort of opinion on that game is going to either bring out real or fake outrage. Some May actual have issues, others just want to troll because it’s a topic they can have fun with. Sorry you ended up in that mess.


@gamingonlinux sorry to hear that, but understandable

Niklas Rosenqvist

@gamingonlinux sorry to hear that! For what it's worth, I really appreciate your reporting and the content that you've posted on your personal account. It's really odd how some people behave online


@gamingonlinux i think you doing an awesome job and all I can say is

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