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Andy Baio

Twitter just announced free access to the Twitter API will end on February 9, with unannounced pricing or usage details, effectively killing every free fun and useful thing ever built with it: bots, games, mashups, visualizations, research projects, autoposters, autoblockers, deleters, and so much more.

Andy Baio

I guess that means the end of my own link aggregator, which I’ve run for nearly ten years.

Andy Baio

@marcprecipice maybe, but it doesn’t really fit well with the culture of mastodon

Marc Hedlund

@andybaio yeah, that’s a good point.

Thank you for making it. I’ve visited it most days that it’s been live. I really enjoyed it.

Jeff Greco

@marcprecipice @andybaio FWIW I think accounts like this are in line with Mastodon thinking, I’d just host it on a bot server.

Nick Baker

@andybaio @marcprecipice but who says the culture of Mastodon is static? This place is going to become whatever people want it to be. Now is the time to bring over the good stuff that's being jettisoned from Twitter.

Justin Mason

@andybaio RIP; I still visit it daily. Will you be porting it to the fediverse?

Andy Baio

@jmason don’t think so, it doesn’t work well with Mastodon’s opt-in culture


@andybaio oh! Thank you for all the nice links it surfaced all these years :-)


@andybaio oh my word, what a time to discover this site :frogchamp:


@andybaio I admittedly stopped checking years ago (mostly because my own feed was already providing me with an excess of content), but I have nevertheless discovered so many interesting things on Belong through the years I used it, it's been a invaluable tool!

Stefan Bohacek

@yhancik @andybaio Same here, and I still have a screenshot saved of when Botwiki made it on the site, a true highlight of my personal side project career.

marlies :tblverified:

@andybaio i discovered a lot of cool things through that so thanks for running it all this time

H-ear-me-now Singh

@andybaio sorry to hear that, it must sting. Wish people could be better people, but alas billionaires don’t count among them. They turn into a monstrous swamp thing always looking to squeeze *more* than they or anyone else will ever need out of anything. Build in the fediverse, please. It’s the future!!

Darrel Frost

@andybaio one of my favorite sites, one I visited daily since its inception. Thank you for the brilliance! 🙏

Paul Carroll

@andybaio Aw man, I still check that daily out of habit 😞

Jeff Moneybin

@andybaio So sad, has been a daily visit for years and years.

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