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Adding alt text to your photos is important, it improves accessibility.

That's why we added an opt-in feature you can enable to force you to add alt text before you post, now available on our web UI and official #pixelfedApp

▶️ Navigate to Settings then Media to enable this #altText #accessibility


@pixelfed can there be an option where it just opens a field for textentry?

That would save a click.

@pixelfed Well.... to encourage people to do so, it would however be smarter to make adding image descriptions a natural step in the post workflow. #pixeldroid is rather good at that. Having image descriptions hidden in advanced settings isn't really helping here. 😉
Herr Günni

@pixelfed thats nice but in the app i have only 140 (?) character thats often not enough.

Danny Boling ☮️


wtf? That's insane!
Which app is that? I want to make sure I avoid it.

Herr Günni

@IAmDannyBoling its only the alt Text in the pixelfed Not the normal Post.

Chris Broome

@pixelfed at this point though I’d like at least a meta tag that certain content cannot be used to train AIs. The alt tags are definitely being leveraged in training models and I feel like I’m selling out my subjects by using them

Benjamin Hollon 🇺🇸🇲🇾🇮🇳🇦🇫

@pixelfed Oh, that’s fantastic. I’ve been wishing for that feature on Mastodon for a while now.

Benjamin Hollon 🇺🇸🇲🇾🇮🇳🇦🇫

@shauny Ooh!

Man that app keeps sounding better. I may need to shell out a few dollars for it.

shauny :heart_progress:

@benjaminhollon I bought it when it was the best app I could find. I think ivory will eventually be better, but for now Toot! has the edge for features.


@pixelfed A must feature indeed! It's been a while since I've been practicing alt text on my pics.

devSJR :python: :rstats:

@pixelfed Alt in is also good to describe the context a bit bitter. Useful!

Arkadiusz Wieczorek

@pixelfed please improve adding alt text on your frontend side, it's easily to overlook :)


@pixelfed i needed this i always forget to add it by accident

Brian Hawthorne

@pixelfed @graydon Sounds like a great idea, but there is no “Media” item in the Settings on the iOS #pixelfedApp I submitted beta feedback.


@graydon @bhawthorne @pixelfed I noticed this on the iOS beta app too - the functionality is at least there though, because it works as expected if you turn it on from the web interface.


@pixelfed what would be really cool too is not hidden it into the advanced options that most people probably won't open.


@pixelfed Honestly, this is exactly the kind of job AI was made for. Describing the content of an image nowadays is one of the easiest jobs for AI. I’m all for adding alt text to images, but that’s not the users job (and that’s exactly why it fails in practice for now).


@pixelfed Will someone ever fix mute & block?
They fail 100% of the time.


@Uhnnohn Are you using the web UI or mobile app (if so, which app?)

Do you mean the home or public feeds?


@Uhnnohn Thanks for replying, is this on the home timeline or a specific profile or post?


@pixelfed when looking at a users profile and you click on the gear

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