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Enrique Comba Riepenhausen ✅

@samir reason I moved away from Google’s products. For analytics I’d recommend plausible (


@ecomba @samir any recommendations for replacements for Google Docs and Sheets?


@duncan @ecomba @samir iCloud works pretty darn well in my experience.

Enrique Comba Riepenhausen ✅

@duncan @samir it really depends on your needs. Is it just for you? Company wide? Which OS are you running with?

I rarely use spreadsheets, but when I do, I use apples (as I work on an Apple computer). Same goes for documents (although most of the time I use note taking apps and don’t really write documents that need an app like Pages).

Enrique Comba Riepenhausen ✅

@duncan @samir I’m my Saas we use Basecamp to keep all our knowledge, plans and info, so we end up writing in there the most without having to use any other software.

Michael Hartle

@duncan Without having used it myself so far, maybe is of interest to you.

Jarek Rozanski 📈

@duncan @ecomba @samir

OnlyOffice or Collabora Office.

Either standalone or integrated with Nextcloud.

A.L. Blacklyn


Zoho Writer and Sheet

These options seem to be the most comparable to Google Docs and Sheets.

Disclaimer: Zoho is an Indian company, and otherwise, I know little about it.

A.L. Blacklyn


"Zoho has never sold your information to someone else for advertising, or made money by showing you other people's ads, and we never will."


@shadowsminder @duncan I've been using Zoho products for a few years, and it all seems to work well. When I have needed support it's been fast, good and friendly.

Diane 🕵

@duncan @ecomba @samir

Nextcloud has options to include Collabora Office, Only Office, and even Office365 in their document sharing system.

I think more commercial services like Box can offer Office365 integration, and I think Collabora Office or Only Office can be embedded in other services besides nextcloud.

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