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Alexey Skobkin

I rarely write by hand. Some time ago I also needed to clean my pen because the ink got dry.
But in my case it was enough to use hot water.

What did you find inside?

CC @o2g


@skobkin, well, nothing inside except these parts and ink.

I rinsed it with hot water, dried it with a paper towel and it was ready to go.

Writing by hand is still the most convenient way for me to take notes.


Alexey Skobkin

@dump_stack @o2g
By the way I don't see a converter on the photo. Do you use it with single use cartridges?


@skobkin, yes. It's an ordinary LAMY Safari.


Alexey Skobkin

@dump_stack @o2g
Here's mine BTW. To make your's a company.
I just bought a converter for mine.

// Didn't disassemble it completely because I just refilled it.


@skobkin, I prefer ink cartridges because no one at airport security cares about them.


Alexey Skobkin

@dump_stack @o2g
Huh. Was someone asked about pen converters in the airport? 😲


@skobkin, nope, but you need ink in case you need to refill.

I prefer not to think about how much ink is left. I just put a small pack of cartridges in the bagpack and forget about it.



@dump_stack @skobkin cartridges are useful for traveling, for sure.
But cartridges, especially Lamy, doesn't have such ink variaties, as usual bottles have

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