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If you know anyone working on an ActivityPub project and they need any advice/feedback/help or want to spread the word, tell them to DM me! I am more than willing to help or spread awareness! #activitypub #fediverse

A Library Socialist

@dansup are you aware of anyone working on some form of SSO/OAuth based on ActivityPub?


@matty That sounds like nomadic identity, something that the Zot protocol solves.

Not many projects support that though, @mike is the developer behind nomadic ident btw

Simeon Nedkov

@dansup How much data can be passed around in ActivityPub? Is it possible to attach structured data to a post? Take photos for example: can I store EXIF data in a photo post such that it can be read on another instance?


@dansup Did you write all the ActivityPub code in Pixelfed from scratch?

I'm a #php #symfony dev just getting into the fediverse / ActivityPub and I was looking to see if there were any ActivityPub php/symfony implementations available as composer packages, and I was having a look at your code on github 👀


@dansup have any camera/photographic clubs looked at Pixelfed? I wonder what if any features would make it a handy tool for camera club websites? Some of them for instance handling subscriptions and keeping a calendar, must be best managed by integration with other tools, I'd think.

Rich F

@dansup hey there. I want to move to Pixelfed from IG however max username characters means I can’t keep the same name as over there (which would be helpful). Any reason for this? Cheers.

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