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Dick Smiths Fair Go Supporters

This is a #bigBowlOfWrong, sorry.

Our worst fear was a #centralised system, #Trunk, being some kind of magical authority on who gets a #blueCheck and who doesn't.

This #trunk™ will imply #popularity, which goes against the core aspect of Fedi, it will also lead to a duty to vet this list lest face legal/criminal(?) penalties.

Articles online tell people to use #hashtags on Fedi, for communicating and…

@dansup @grishka

Dick Smiths Fair Go Supporters

(2/2)… for #search. Some instances even ask people to list some hashtags in their profile that interest them. We can expand on this to encourage good use of hashtag.

Proceed with Trunk™ and we'll have no choice but to consider your service compromised.

This is how strongly we will fight against #hypnoticSuggestion and centralisation in Fedi.

Eugen has already cut admins out from new users, making it more difficult for admins to passively talk to Fedizens.

@dansup @grishka

(2/2)… for #search. Some instances even ask people to list some hashtags in their profile that interest them. We can expand on this to encourage good use of hashtag.

Proceed with Trunk™ and we'll have no choice but to consider your service compromised.

This is how strongly we will fight against #hypnoticSuggestion and centralisation in Fedi.

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