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@dansup Can this be made optional?

This feature from insta is designed to make social media more addicting.

If i have a private pixelfed account to keep in touch with friends and family, I wouldnt want it.

Plus being able to see all previous posts without clicking view older would be easier to come back to posts you saw previously but wanted to come back to leave a thoughtful comment.


@geotechland It could be made optional, I thought a lot about this and it felt right to make it the default.

Appreciate the feedback and I'll let you know when you can revert to the old way via settings!

Григорий Клюшников

Geotechland, the "you're all caught up" card is mostly necessary in an algorithmic feed because it's completely unpredictable. In a chronological one you'll generally remember what you've already seen and would just stop scrolling when you reach that point.

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