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Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

As some of you may have heard, Tweetbot is currently unable to authenticate with Twitter which currently has a huge impact on our business. Only mentioning this because we are going to be busy putting out fires and trying to get Ivory on the App Store ASAP. So it will be harder to answer your questions. However you can read our current roadmap for Ivory here:

Also, here are 1000 more testflight openings for now. Thanks for all of your support! 🙏

Ben :dcl:

@ivory Best of luck with the fires. We all understand what that's like, and we're all hopeful you can get Tweetbot working again.


@ivory I can’t wait to pay for Ivory! Thank you for everything you do!


@ivory Sorry about the bad news. Release the app. We will buy it.

Mike Huntington

@ivory So sorry to hear about the headache Twitter is causing. Don't forget to take breaks, get some rest when needed. And good luck!


@ivory Can’t wait to further support you all!

David McCormick

@ivory looking forward to giving you money. Good luck with the fires.

Ron Heft

@ivory Thank you for the transparency. I’m ready to send $$$ your way once Ivory is live on the App Store!

Joel Housman

@ivory @mark @paul bless you. Thanks for handing me a glass of ice water.

Eric Leamen

@ivory If there’s any way to buy your team a coffee or something in the meantime while you’re working through all this, please let us know! 😊

Rick Williams

@ivory I really feel like you should start charging and just stay honest it’s a work in progress. Lots of users want to pay you.

David Collantes

@ivory Is there a TestFlight for the desktop version? Is it only available for the lucky ones with M{1,2} Macs?


@ivory you go guys! Ivory is the best 💯🔥

Izzy Prime :v_trans:

@ivory are there good options for throwing money at y’all to help keep the lights on while you’re making this move? Or just buy the existing apps even if they don’t work?


@ivory Got a place! Always happy to support your great work! 👍

Sam Brentnall

@ivory thank you for the update. Can’t wait to pay you for the new app. It’s excellent already!

Eric Capuano

@ivory just signed in on the beta and it’s amazing 😍

Blai Pratdesaba

@ivory hooray! Excellent timing, thanks tapbots!

Steve Williams

@ivory You have my support. I’m surprised it took that idiot so long. Trying to turn Twitter into a WeeChat banking app.

And I mean wee, judging by the exodus.


@ivory I love Tweetbot. I’m so sorry for this issue that’s impacting your business. I also love Ivory. Will gladly hand over cash for it when released.

Chris Ferrell

@ivory thanks I was able to get in. Look forward to buying when it’s for sale.


@ivory Good luck with the Tweetbot problems, and thank you for the invite! 🎉

fırat çiftçi

@ivory It is not on the current roadmap list, but are you also planning on revamping the profile view before the 1.0 release? It seems it is one of the few things Ivory does in a not-so-great manner compared to other clients.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@firatciftci It is. “Edit profile including displaying metadata” If the missing metadata is what you are talking about.

fırat çiftçi

@ivory That is part of it, but also the current UX where the main profile view only displays recent posts, and you need to have an extra tap to go into all posts (and in the all posts view you cannot filter by “posts” and “posts and replies”). Similar thing goes for posts with media, where a filtered list view for posts with media would be very useful.

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@firatciftci that will all be updated in the future. Not for 1.0. Otherwise we won’t ship until summer.

fırat çiftçi

@ivory That makes sense! Thank you for all your work.

fırat çiftçi

@ivory Also, I encountered two weird bugs trying to reply to this post using Ivory. I sent TestFlight feedback screenshots — I hope that method is an acceptable/useful bug reporting method for Tapbots.

James Musson 🔴

@ivory Count me as waiting to pay for Ivory asap!

Esteban Umerez 🐘

@ivory Hold tight, guys, all we be ok. Thanks for your work.


@ivory Thank you!!!! Sheer luck I saw this post at 3:00 AM in Tokyo. Thank you!!!!

Camiel Schoonens

@ivory Feel free to put up a PayPal or Patreon link to support you guys through these times.

Greg Leff

@ivory I'm in! And I'm ready to pay for the sweetness as soon as you're ready to release. Thanks for the awesome work so far.

And condolences you're caught up in the stupid bird site mess.

Tom Burbidge

@ivory on the beta already and loving it so as soon as you can you’ll be getting my sub.

Sebastian Samulczyk

@ivory You have our support! Can’t wait for Ivory to be launched so I can pay for this great app!🥰


@ivory can’t wait to pay you for this wonderful app


@ivory Thanks so much for the additional openings. Loving #Ivory so far!!!


@ivory I’ll be excitedly paying for Ivory as soon as I’m able to! Great work! Love it!!

Thomas Hempel

@ivory Can‘t wait to give you money for Ivory! :)

Neal PP

@ivory nice work. Just joined the TestFlight. Feels great! Long time Tweetbot user so can’t wait for iOS and macOS versions 😀

Thomas Kilgour

@ivory Thank you! Looking forward to giving you money for this!


@ivory make you a deal: I won’t ask any more distracting questions. You get Ivory on the App Store and I’ll give you money. :)


@ivory Best of luck! And thank you for the access!!

Can't believe I was fast enough 🤩

Jon Sagara

@ivory Awesome. Very excited to try this out. Tweetbot was my favorite. All my best wishes to you.


@ivory finally opened my subpar mast ios app at the right time to snag one! 🙏


@ivory awful situation guys. Any way I can support you already? Pre-order on the store, patreon, another way? @paul

Richard Jones

@ivory Yess, thank you! 12 hours with the official Twitter app was enough 😅

Benjamin Lauderdale

@ivory Thanks!! Finally got in to the test, looking forward to paying for the app soon.


@ivory hugs and thanks for all the hard work.

Mura 💜💚

@ivory it sucks about twitter, but OMG I finally got in to the beta :blobcatheart:

Rhett Rogers

@ivory I'm also anxiously awaiting the macOS version as I don't have an Apple Silicon Mac


@ivory ready to click buy whenever you let me :)

mi28havoc :mastodon:

@ivory Just 5 Minutes in #ivory and I‘m already in love 👍 A big thank you tapbot!


@ivory Woot!! Woot!! Thx for the testflight invite!

LearningXP :coffefied:

@ivory You'll have my money day one when this app launches.


@ivory I got in! Sorry you guys are having a stressful Twitter day but this app is freakin cool and everyone working hard should feel super proud of how good this already is!


@ivory Yes! Finally I am IN!!

This is awesome. Thanks for opening more slots!


@ivory Woo! Finally got into the alpha; good luck with the rollout as it’s looking nice so far!

Jade Strom

@ivory can we please get an alpha TestFlight release for Ivory for Mac sooner than later? Cc: @todd

Brian Hough

@ivory honestly, you should just launch now. I’d gladly give you $20/year for the current app, as-is. It’s perfect.


@ivory If this is intentional—I firmly believe it is—then it’s a total dick move by them, though not the slightest bit surprising. Very sorry this is happening to you (and others), and best of luck with finalizing Ivory! I finally got in the beta so I’m anxious to see what the hype has been all about. :)


@ivory thanks for another set! I’ve been waiting to snag a spot and got in this time :)

Jack Ivers

@ivory this move would be #SpaceKaren shooting himself in the foot — but I think both feet are already gone.


@ivory I’m so frustrated about Twitter but I’m looking forward to throwing money at you for ivory.

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