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Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

As some of you may have heard, Tweetbot is currently unable to authenticate with Twitter which currently has a huge impact on our business. Only mentioning this because we are going to be busy putting out fires and trying to get Ivory on the App Store ASAP. So it will be harder to answer your questions. However you can read our current roadmap for Ivory here:

Also, here are 1000 more testflight openings for now. Thanks for all of your support! 🙏

Justin Flood

@ivory seriously. I know y’all want Ivory to be super tight and finished for release, but by all accounts it’s already great. I think releasing it sooner than later is important. I WANT TO PAY YOU for your work. I want to support developers doing good work. Especially if one of their major projects is in danger of basically not existing.

John (he/him) :vbike:

@ivory I know you’ve heard it before, but this app has dramatically improved my mastodon experience. I was a convert before, but this really sealed the deal. I know it’s not much but I just bought Calcbot 😊 Thank you for your work, and I’m sorry a major source of revenue is currently tied to that madman.

Stuart Gibson

@ivory literally staring at the FaceID sensor, willing it to allow me to give you money for Ivory.

Dan Seaman

@ivory omg I’ve been refreshing and monitoring your account for days just to get access, and then missed this because I was in a meeting!

ernmander :AudioMo:

@ivory damn that TestFlight beta fills up quick. Missed it again. Hope TweetBot gets access back to Twitter it’s a great app


@ivory another time too late. Grmbl. When do you plan to have it published ? I am a huge fan of TweetBot and I’d like to have the same kind of app for Mastodon.


@ivory Happy to pay for Ivory prior to release if you had a mechanism for that.

Armin Hanisch

@ivory wow these 1000 went fast! 😆 Any chance for a new batch in the foreseeable future?

Noah D

@ivory thank you for all the crazy amount of hard work you folks do. I’ve loved everything you put out and am loving Ivory.


@ivory Thanks for more app TestFlights! I’ve been waiting to try it out as I’ve been a TweetBot user for years.


@ivory DANGGGGG MISSED IT AGAIN. ugh. I just want it on the ipad. I am outside of the Apple ecosystem besides this one dang device. Next time I hope to snag a code. Best of luck folks!

MyCart 🛒

@ivory TestFlight was full already! Wow! Can’t wait to try out your app. I love and miss Tweetbot and it’s been less than a day!


@ivory 2 hours and it's already full?!

Craig Brennan

@ivory As a longtime Tweetbot user I am happy to finally get into the Ivory beta for mastodon. Looking forward to seeing how the app progresses.

Tom Bridge

@ivory thanks so much to the team for all their hard work!!!


@ivory sounds like I’ll be needing to swap my sub from tweetbot to ivory!


@ivory ship this thing, it’s great. Let me pay for it.

Alan González

@ivory Yikes, it got full really quick. Oh well, I’ll wait if another round opens.


@ivory Do you plan to implement the ability to follow hashtags the way it’s been done in mastodon 4? It’s frustrating to need to go onto the server to follow hashtags and so far no other iOS app I’ve tried does it.


@ivory please I need an invitation 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 I’m a heavy user of mastodon


@ivory im willing to pay to be a beta tester

Albert Kinng :verified:

@ivory I can see clearly what is going on. My Twitterrific app is also down. It seems Elon is looking forward to have only one app to manage Twitter. He doesn’t care about how many lives he’ll destroy trying to build the new Twitter 2.0 and the worst thing is I don’t see people leaving the platform as it supposed to. Hope Ivory turns out super easy for new users so people jump right away!


@ivory ah darn I was working and missed this. Hoping for more slots. Currently paying for Tweetbot but obv can’t use it.


@ivory damn, missed this wave of beta users.

Sucks because I loved using Tweetbot so much over the many years I’ve had it. It’s really seeming like this was a targeted suspension of all larger third party applications and not some mishap.

Wise idea to move primary development to Ivory, can’t imagine how some of the full-time Twitter app developers are doing right now :/

Darth ŠČ! :t_blink:

@ivory can I switch my Tweetbot yearly subscription to Ivory?

Ivory by Tapbots :emoji_wink:

@darth unfortunately not by some automatic system. You’ll have to unsubscribe from Tweetbot. We were planning to do a bundled sub discount for Tweetbot users, but so far it doesn’t look like that’s going to be able to happen.

Darth ŠČ! :t_blink:

@ivory I am really sorry for all the support questions which you need to answer today. I work in support and I might be able to understand your position right now. A bundle discount actually sounds nice, I would gladly upgrade my yearly Tweetbot sub to that...if Twitter restores your API.

However, I cannot unsubscribe from Tweetbot and repurpose that money to Ivory. There is no such option on my phone. All it offers is for me to let the subscription drain for the rest of my 365 days.

Andrew Briscoe

@ivory You guys are awesome! I am DONE with Twitter for good if the Tweetbot suspension stands. I hope you have an Ivory subscription option that works for family. I’m ready to subscribe. Currently working to see if I can set up some bots to relay local news and weather to Mastodon and then bye bye Elon!!!

Matt Marenic

@ivory fuck I again missed link! What a cruel world

Andrew Friedrichs

@ivory so much about Ivory already make it one of my favorite apps in recent memory. Can’t wait to support you guys further as soon as possible.

Henry Cole

@ivory very happy to start paying for Ivory as soon as you’re able. Best wishes to you all and hope the Twitter stuff works out soon.

Doug C. Hardester

@ivory I’m guessing iOS is definitely the priority? I know I’m the odd man out as I rarely use Twitter or Mastodon on my mobile devices. But I can’t wait for Ivory on both iOS and Mac. Sorry you guys are going through all of this!


@ivory An idea - can you add tips in beta apps? I’m sure people would gladly tip here. Or you can add or toot a link to a tip site. You could also give tippers promo codes when you go live on the AppStore.


@ivory Dang. Missed it again. Just downloaded a different iOS app and enabled notifications for the sole purpose of trying to get into this Test Flight Group. 🤞

Notes of an Indie Writer

@ivory I'm currently subscribed to Tweetbot. I will happily subscribed to Ivory as soon as it's available. Good luck with *everything*.

Ben Lavery-Griffiths

@ivory really looking forward to Ivory hitting the App Store and setting up that new subscription 😀


@ivory missed the first 1000, will there be a 2nd drop? Longtime Tweetbot user. If not hope the work on Ivory goes smoothly and quickly.


Damn, the all the TestFlight openings have already filled up! :[

owner of a vestigial heart

@ivory I hate this for a number of reasons, but it’s especially disappointing when you JUST gave us that wonderful Tweetbot update with the new themes/icons/sounds. Sorry he won’t let us have nice things 😢


@ivory Mojo to you guys for surviving these turbulent times. I'm definitely in for buying Ivory when it hits 1.0!


@ivory can’t wait to get access and support you 👍


@ivory do you guys have a donation link or something we can use in the meantime to help out? I’ve enjoyed every second of testing Ivory and used Tweetbot for years and years.


@ivory Really looking forward to seeing this in the App Store. Great work guys!

Gervasio Marchand 🦄

@ivory I'm ready to pay for Ivory in its current state

Ricky de Laveaga

@ivory this should probably be y'alls header banner image

Adam Schoales :verified:

@ivory DAMN IT! I missed it AGAIN!

Third time will be the charm, right? RIGHT!? 😭


@ivory I hope I have a chance to get the next TestFlight


@ivory put me in, coach! Looking forward to catching the next wave. (Thanks for your effort! Especially considering the circumstances)

Ben Bryan

@ivory thank you for all you folks do for social media apps. I am/was a Tweetbot user, once was a Netapp user and can’t wait to use this one!


@ivory twitter without you is nightmare. 😫


@ivory I saw this too late and all the slots have been filled.I am a loyal Tweetbot user for mac and IOS and looking forward to this release. When will you add new alpha/beta users to testflight?

Jan Giesen

@ivory keep up the good work. I will keep my Tweetbot subscription at least I can get an Ivory subscription. Until then I’m enjoy the alpha.

thewaytozion :mastodon:

@ivory TESTFLIGHT: already too many users on beta. Seems to be a good alternative. Good luck with twitter API


@ivory can you please open another TestFlight, I miss it every single time 😢. Sooo missing tweetbot


@ivory jeez, missed it AGAIN! 😞😞😞😞😞

Tyler Huff

@ivory Crap, I missed it again 🤦‍♂️


@ivory Love your work. You’re fantastic. Sorry about the bullshirt your livelihoods are experiencing because of the Birdsite mess.

Steve 🇨🇦🇺🇦

@ivory “This beta is full.”

Damn. I hope that translates to success when you hit the store.


@ivory Beta on testflight is already full. Add more if possible.

Tristan :quebec: :facil:

@ivory Thanks!
I’ve started using Mastodon a few weeks ago when Musk bought Twitter, mostly out of curiosity. I slowed down, but frankly, if Twitter doesn’t bring Mack Tweetbot I will be strongly considering coming here full time on Ivory. 🙌🏼

Anthony Baker

@ivory You guys rock. Sorry this shit is happening to you and everyone else. But look forward tO Ivory. Absolutely adore it so far.


@ivory I’ll be buying this as soon as I can!

Brett Elliff

@ivory Can't wait to try out Ivory. I keep missing all the invite rounds so I hope it appears on the App Store soon! :)


@ivory Twitter can go fuck itself , I’ll pay for Ivory when it comes out. Let’s make your great business less reliant on this shitshow


@ivory It just had to be the day and time I was flying interstate. Sigh... least it won’t be long for the App Store release.


Can you study the market perspectives of making an app for Android?

- PS: I'm pro FOSS but I understand that some users want experiences/tools who that meets their needs and "paid support" of a professional app.


@ivory I am … was a very happy Tweetbot user. I am practically incandescent with my feelings about this latest … strategy from Twitter.

I’m a very happy Ivory user, and when it becomes a part of your actual funding with this app, I will GLADLY give you my $$.


@ivory can’t wait to buy ivory!! (Currently in free beta and it really seems solid to me !!)

Morten Mosgaard

@ivory ready and waiting for Ivory, thanks for sharing your proces. Looking forward to get my hands on it.

Mickaël Rémond

@ivory I will subscribe as soon as it is possible. Thanks for all the work !

Robb Montgomery



one tap add to add a user to a list
lists tab on home screen

that is all I need.


@ivory Same thing for Twitterrific. Seems like they don‘t want third party apps anymore.


@ivory Are y'all going to finally come over to Android? Tweetbot was the only app I missed when I went from an ipod touch to Android.

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