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Andrew Tropin

@Primetime I still use vanilla android, but recently made a factory reset and install apps only from F-droid, except bank app, taxi and my international sim app. Making habbits of using OSM, florisboard and friends. I think it's a good enough step towards future complete migration.


Using F-droid apps is a great start.
Many people say that privacy is a journey, and I have definately found this to be true. I took me years to get to where I am today privacy wise, taking small baby steps and improving a little at a time - and I will continue to do so. It can be incredibly rewarding as well, because you learn so much in the process. But it can easily become overpowering too, if you change too much in one go.

Andrew Tropin

@Primetime True.

In my security model I always treated mobile phone as compromised device and never used it for important thing. However dependency on some proprietary and unhealthy services leaks in my daily computing experince and I decided that it's time to start gradually freeing my mobile device as well.

It's indeed can be ovewhelming, when you try to go too radical in one go.


@abcdw @Primetime vanilla can be anything nowadays. If you still have your device manufacturer's operating system, you can remove Google apps with adb. Bootloader can stay locked.

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