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Andrew Tropin

I removed google account from my phone, made a factory reset, and now I look for a few more privacy-friendly apps alternatives, preferably available in f-droid, tell me what you use.

1. Maps (I often use bookmarks, routes with time estimates and transport data)
2. Calendar
3. Keyboard
4. Radio/Music
5. Audio book player
6. Photo backup/syncronization tool/service

#degoogle #foss #floss

Rishik Bharath

@abcdw for various apps for encrypted photo backup

All apps available in fdroid

Rishik Bharath

@abcdw @krevedkokun Now I use default android os that comes with my phone since bootloader cant be unlocked. Anyways i don't plan to use any other os as of now because my banking app does not work with calyx or graphene. I use google account for playstore and use microg for youtube with a seperate account.

shom πŸ§πŸ“·πŸ€ΏπŸ”οΈπŸͺš

@abcdw I'm not fully de-Google but I can comfortably recommend:
1. Organic Maps
2. Proton Calendar (I also use their mail with my own domain)
3. -
4. VLC
5. Antennapod has decent audiobook support along with the main focus podcasts
6. Syncthing

Tyler Saunders :androidalt:

@abcdw for audiobooks if you have the files yourself, you can import a folder into AntennaPod and play the files that way, which has worked for me. Side bonus is it also works as a podcast app :)

Sandro Linux

@abcdw I use organic maps as my mobile maps app. It is open source and quite a polished app

Andrew Tropin

@sandrolinux I used organicmaps before, but IDK yet how to setup bookmarks syncronization/backup


maps - organic maps
calender - simple calendar (synced with nextcloud)
keyboard - open board (nice once you have done some config)
music - subtracks (used with a subsonic server)

note for music vibe music may also be a good option its essentially a Foss frontend for YouTube music

Arno Vanderbeke

@abcdw I am also looking for more privacy friendly, preferably open source, apps for my Android phone.
For maps I use the free version of Locus Maps for hiking (offline maps) and for navigation I just came across Magic Earth, but I haven't used it much yet.
For calendar I use the great encrypted calendar that comes with @Tutanota email.
I recently switched to the OpenBoard keyboard and very pleased with it!
Still looking for a good photo sync service as well 😊


@abcdw @akib
1. Maps: MagicEarth for roads, OfflineMaps for off-road (hiking, running)
2. Calendar: SimpleMobileTools's Calendar (you can use a whole lotta SMT's apps - they're great!)
3. Keyboard: GrapheneOS keyboard - not sure if you can source this separately.
4. Radio/Music: SMT's SimpleMusicPlayer, see 2.
5. As 4.
6. NextCloud, locally-hosted server instance. All pics are pushed automatically to a designated NC folder. Backups are taken of whole server's contents, locally & offsite.


@abcdw 1) Organic Maps 2) Etar 3) FlorisBoard 4) VLC / AntennaPod for Podcasts 6) Nextcloud or not fully-free MEGASync

PaulR πŸ»β€β„οΈ

1. Organic Maps (Or OSMAnd if you are carto addicted, it has much more features)
2. stock calendar + DavX (sync with nextcloud cals)
3. stock keyboard is enough for me
4. AntennaPod (for podcasts), NewPipe (for peertube / yt videos)
5. Sorry I don't use audio books
6. Nextcloud (Hetzner has a very nice all-included service offer available at


3. AnySoftKeyboard
4. RadioDroid, @newpipe (including YT, Peertube, SoundCloud)


What alternative Android distro/ROM did you switch to? I use #LineageOS.

1. Magic Earth (via Aurora store)
2. Simple Calendar, F-droid
3. AnySoftKeyboard, F-droid
4. Music player from F-droid, music library on device.
5. -
6. Syncthing, F-droid

Andrew Tropin

@Primetime I still use vanilla android, but recently made a factory reset and install apps only from F-droid, except bank app, taxi and my international sim app. Making habbits of using OSM, florisboard and friends. I think it's a good enough step towards future complete migration.


Using F-droid apps is a great start.
Many people say that privacy is a journey, and I have definately found this to be true. I took me years to get to where I am today privacy wise, taking small baby steps and improving a little at a time - and I will continue to do so. It can be incredibly rewarding as well, because you learn so much in the process. But it can easily become overpowering too, if you change too much in one go.

Andrew Tropin

@Primetime True.

In my security model I always treated mobile phone as compromised device and never used it for important thing. However dependency on some proprietary and unhealthy services leaks in my daily computing experince and I decided that it's time to start gradually freeing my mobile device as well.

It's indeed can be ovewhelming, when you try to go too radical in one go.


@abcdw @Primetime vanilla can be anything nowadays. If you still have your device manufacturer's operating system, you can remove Google apps with adb. Bootloader can stay locked.



Maps, definitively OsmAnd
it is very feature rich. Therefore you might need a bit patience. But the (offline available) Point of Interests are a killer feature. Also I like the navigation, especially in the mountains, where you see what slope is ahead of you.
Also public transport (stops and lines) is covered quite well, too.


@abcdw as calendar i use etar calendar.

How did you go about backing up your user data? That’s my main fear in finally installing an alternative rom and is mostly omitted in tutorials

Andrew Tropin

@lollonero I don't have much data on my phone, I mostly use it for maps, messenger and audio player, rarely for some other things.

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