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David Revoy

Digital painting made from scratch using Krita 5.1.5 on Fedora 37 KDE spin (no A.I.). Tablet: an Intuos Pro Large. A description of each step is written on the alt text of pictures.

📩Source and 4K wallpaper:

đŸ—’ïžLicense: Creative Commons Attribution (CC-By)


@davidrevoy Vous vous entĂȘtez Ă  utiliser Linux, Krita et autres logiciels libres. Vous n’avez pas Ă©coutĂ© la madame de l’autre jour?

(Beau travail en passant. Je dĂ©fie la madame de l’autre jour de faire la mĂȘme chose avec Adobe, parce que mine de rien, ce n’est pas juste le logiciel, l’artiste compte quand mĂȘme un peu


@davidrevoy I love this! Thanks for sharing a little bit of the process


@davidrevoy Thx David 😍 .I like i (no A.I.) 😅


@davidrevoy Stunning 😍 have followed you now on IG also

Elias MĂ„rtenson

@davidrevoy Am I weird for thinking the second picture in the series is the nicest one?

The final version is really good, don't take me wrong, but there is something about the roughness of the second one that is just appeals to me.

David Revoy

@loke Thank you for enjoying the sketch! I'm training recently on leaving more and more large part of the canvas sketched in the final version (eg. foreground/background). Maybe with time I'll be confident enough to not overdetail too much part of the illustration. â˜ș


@davidrevoy Really nice image, I love it. But the rainbow at night in the last version feels wrong. But I just discovered that moonbows exist:

David Revoy

@supertobi Hey, I respect what you feel about it.

In my part of the south of France, after a big rain and storm with dark clouds − especially in the end afternoon − it's dark enough down the street to get the street light mechanism on while still having bright light in distance over the clouds.
I thought it was also a good way to symbolize a breach of nature and hope in this dark manmade landscape.
The artwork being after rain symbolizes that: a new hope for brighter times.


@davidrevoy Thanks for you explanation, now I understand your image much better. I think the street lights here in northern Germany just have timer. Perhaps that's the reason for my confusion.

James B.

@davidrevoy love this, thank you! Always curious about other artist's process and how they achieve their final results with digital media. Still finding my way around digital drawing.


@davidrevoy merci David de partager Ă  chaque fois les processus. Ca permet vraiment de se rendre compte de tout le travail derriĂšre !


@davidrevoy Tes dessins sont superbes ! Bravo ! Je me permets d'en prendre un pour changer mon fond d'Ă©cran !

David Revoy

@irslo Merci! Une version 4K est dispo ici pour avoir des dĂ©tails plus net en fond d'Ă©cran 👍

[edit: oops, voilĂ  ce qui arrive quand je rĂ©pond dans la colonne mention, je rĂ©ponds Ă  cĂŽtĂ© , dĂ©solĂ© 😅 ]

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