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@davidrevoy Pepper And Carrot's Magical Demolition Services: "We're (not) here to help! ™️ "

David Revoy

@frang Yes, exactly. I hesitated to name the artwork directly like that. I'm glad the name is known! Thank you for plugging this article under the art :blobcatheart: 👍

Gerd Fleischer

@davidrevoy At least thumbnail looks like it's from a Point-and-Click Adventure.

Too bad it isn't. I now want to play it. 😅


@davidrevoy not todo bad to be made with a non professional software in a hacked Linux System... 😁

David Revoy

@victorhck ☺️ Thank you for your comment on my blurry and not well-defined art style! 😉


@davidrevoy many of us love your "blurry and not well-defined art style! " :)

Victoria is still wearing mask


Love this! And love that you are using the human art hashtag 😊

Daniil Baturin

@davidrevoy My initial interpretation was that they are waiting for the liquor store to open in the morning to get, uhm, rum for baking?
They certainly don't look in need of a hair of the dog treatment here so the usual reason to wait outside a liquor story doesn't apply. ;)


@davidrevoy I just have to wait a second and take it all in.


@davidrevoy love the smell of petrichor in the morning ;)


@davidrevoy how is it that all you publish is spot on magical and superb! Talent is not distributed evenly.

Jon Hatch :mastodon: :verified:

@davidrevoy I really like your art... I know exactly the smell you're talking about. tended to happen in New England a lot in May/June.

David Revoy

@TH3R3P41RM4N Thank you! Yes, that's a priceless feeling to experience that. One of the true richness in this world, IMO. 😉

Lenz Grimmer

@davidrevoy beautiful. Thanks for sharing your amazing work!

Torstein Krause Johansen

@davidrevoy beautiful! So much atmosphere in the picture. Wish you would do a point and click adventure so that we could live inside of that world for a few hours a day.

David Revoy

@skybert Thanks and true, the setting of this illustration could look like a mockup for a point and click.

I would love to see that too! But I can't imagine the years of work only to get animated characters with this type of modeling and shading and many backgrounds painted like that all cut out.
With my visual style, it would directly go into a big-budget project 😅


Je me demandais d'où venait le chapeau de sorcière...
Si j'en crois Wikipédia, l'image de la sorcière vient de l'image des juifs, après qu'ils ont été chassés d'Europe de l'est. Le pape les obligeait à porter un chapeau pointu. Le nez crochu vient aussi de l'imaginaire antisémite.
Au Moyen-Âge, les sorcières étaient représentées en femmes du peuple, ordinaires, avec simples robe et voile, sans chapeau.

David Revoy

@tuxmain Oui, Wikipédia c'est super pour en apprendre sur l'histoire. Ayant depuis 9 ans une BD sur les sorcière, t'imagines que j'ai déjà épluché tout ça jusque dans la bibliographie.

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