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Fedora Project

Here's two more @matrix clients for you!

@cinnyapp, for folks who like Discord's look and feel

#gomuks, for folks who go nuts for the terminal

What's your favorite #Matrix client?


@fedora @matrix @cinnyapp I have tried cinny 8 times, and each time i had encryption problem after some time and/or loading problem on some chat.

I don't think the problem is them but the matrix protocol hitself who have today too many problem to be properly used.

Blort™ 🐀Ⓥ🥷☣️

#Element, however I seriously wish it's #UI didn't treat 1 on 1 chats as a "room" (eg. configuration messages about "X joined the room", "Y configured the room", "Z left the room" etc). All the unnecessary extra messages made new people I introduced confused and uncomfortable.

It seems like #Schildichat might be more friendly, however I'm not sure if they have #android and #iOS apps and the bus factor seems kind of low.

Should probably go to #FluffyChat.

@matrix @cinnyapp @aks

#Element, however I seriously wish it's #UI didn't treat 1 on 1 chats as a "room" (eg. configuration messages about "X joined the room", "Y configured the room", "Z left the room" etc). All the unnecessary extra messages made new people I introduced confused and uncomfortable.

It seems like #Schildichat might be more friendly, however I'm not sure if they have #android and #iOS apps and the bus factor seems kind of low.

Ren 🐧

@fedora @matrix @cinnyapp Cinny is actually what I use on my PC, but I really haven't been happy with any Android clients. Schidichat works fine enough but I'm not crazy about it :fedora: :silverblue:

@fedora I'm quite fond of Fractal overall however I'm unable to use Nightly since it has some trouble staying open right now. But someday! On desktop then I use Element flatpak and on mobile I use Fluffychat also from flatpak

DeepBlue V7.X

@fedora Seeing the pink #nheko image I made in the gomuks screenshot will never not be funny!

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