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Aral Balkan

@ligma Indeed. And yet it is four orders of magnitude smaller than the most popular accounts on Twitter and one that’s grown over six years here (or 16 years if you consider that some folks migrated over with me from there, where I had ~42K followers, slowly built up since 2006). To wit, celebrities who migrated over flew past such numbers here in a day or two. Again, we’re talking orders of magnitude difference. (And I’d be the first to support hiding follower counts altogether.)

Ligma Johnson

@aral I wasn't complaining, I was just observing an interesting contrast.

Indeed, I find it rather admirable that despite having clearly one of the more popular accounts on this platform, you find the humility to care about the small.

The devil's in the details, or so they say, so perhaps we all really ought to pay more attention to those, to make sure he's got nowhere to hide.

Aral Balkan

@ligma Well I’ve kind of dedicated my life to “small” at this point :)

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