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Aral Balkan

@Irisherself I was as happy with a handful here in 2016. (And equally fine with leaving the 42K+ “followers” I had when I closed the hell-site account.) The number here ballooned up quite a bit during the migration. Was far less for the majority of the last six years.

In fact, I’d be very happy if Mastodon hid the numbers altogether. I think that would be a positive. I’ve already hidden by follower/following lists but I can’t hide the numbers.

iris ✿ sandwalker

@aral it wasn't a pick on you, I just had to giggle a bit :D I too left a large crowd behind at the bird place (did not redirect anyone), and even left another instance here which turned a bit foul... I agree the social aspect is about the connections you make, in the moment, and diversify your impressions and interactions... let's just all chat with each other and no one will feel left behind <3 :toot:

Random Geek
@aral @Irisherself and I’m at least two or three of those followers, what with being active on multiple instances.

The numbers are even more meaningless here than they are on the big centralized platforms.
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