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Bill Plein🌶

@simon Do you think your vision of a Mastodon quote toot would work with ActivityPub which has no concept of a quote toot?

I’m not being argumentative. I haven’t tried to think it through.

If it’s possible just to display the activity as a quote toot via Mastodon clients, without asking ActivityPub to do something new, then great. But if it requires a change in AP behavior, that’s a while different story.

Simon Willison

@bplein I have to admit I've not dug into the implementation details enough to know if this could be done without an ActivityPub update - I've been assuming AP is extensible through extra bits of JSON but maybe I'm completely off base about that

Bill Plein🌶

@simon Not sure if Masto clients talk AP to Masto servers. Guessing they don’t directly?

It may be more implementable to have a client that goes through shenanigans to implement a quote toot that isn’t tracked like a boost or Twitter retweet.

The client could provide a link and create a screenshot and emulate it. Make that one button approach in app.

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