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A L Katz

@skobkin Strangely, the word "sad" never occurred to me. Gratified did though.

I am a proud citizen of the now.

Alexey Skobkin

I wouldn't say that losing Twitter account itself is sad by itself. Any social network is about connection between people. It's sad that you lost connections there. You've obviously had some audience of your projects. That's what makes it sad for me.

But anyway glad to hear that you're staying positive and like it here! 👍

A L Katz

@skobkin As we all know from being here, social media improves markedly when we all get to be our own algorithms. That makes me happier than anything. And then, when I think of all the smart, articulate people (like your good self) who I've met here? I go from "happy" into "elated".

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