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Baldur Bjarnason

Turns out that Adobe is collecting all of its customers' pictures into a machine learning training set.

This is opt-out, not opt-in so if you use Lightroom, for example, it defaults to adding all of your photos to the set.

If these are unpublished pictures, work-in-progress, etc. they'll still be analysed as soon as they're synced.

I've been using Lightroom to sync photos from my Windows desktop to my iPad. Now I need to reconsider that.

228 comments | Expand all CWs
Baldur Bjarnason

This obviously only applies if the pictures touch Adobe's servers in some way, such as cloud syncing. That's basically every picture ever uploaded into Lightroom.

Baldur Bjarnason

First saw mention of this over on Twitter but the screenshot is from when I went to check on it in my own settings.

Baldur Bjarnason

Muting this thread now. Going viral is always a bit unpleasant so I'm going to preempt that by ignoring the thread completely 😁


@baldur Good choice 🤣. I thought I was just having a normal conversation with you and Gavin. It was just that other guy who was annoying.


Screw em! I'll keep using Lightroom 6. Even if I get a newer camera and have to convert my raw files to DNG. I don't care.

Baldur Bjarnason



My problem, though, is that I was primarily using Lightroom for syncing (I shoot Fuji and Adobe's results there are mediocre at best).

So, it looks like I'll have to bite the bullet and upgrade CaptureOne and use their new-fangled sync feature (which does, admittedly, look better thought out) instead. 🤷‍♂️


@iar81b @baldur
Not sure which one of us you are talking to, but given Darktable definitely does not do what Baldur needs it to do, I assume you're talking to me.
I'm perfectly happy to continue using Lightroom 6. Darktable was awful when I had a look at it. There is zero chance of me switching to it.


@Szilvia @baldur both :). Darktable has a steeper learning curve I agree. There are also a lot of improvements with the recent versions. I like it mainly because it is open source.

You may want to also have a look at Dxo. It is much more user friendly than darktable and extremely powerful. I used their product for a long while after I ditched lightroom.


@iar81b @baldur
Again. No. I don't know why you seem to think I need to stop using an old version of Lightroom that I'm perfectly happy with. The others don't offer me anything better.


@Szilvia @baldur There is nothing wrong with using an old software version as long as you do not want to do anything else.

If however you want to take advantage of new features you may need to move on.


@iar81b @baldur
Can we end this conversation please iar? Thanks. I don't need to be educated about software. It's starting to feel like you're mansplaining to someone who probably already knows more than you do.


@animaux @baldur @Szilvia I actually did not know this one. On first glance it looks very promising and it is GPL as well.

I will definitely give it a try.

Thank you!


@baldur @Szilvia Capture One is great, plus it arrives as a single app —it doesn’t require its own launcher and half-dozen side apps to function. Also, you can still get a perpetual license.


@gavin57 @baldur
To be honest I absolutely hated it when I tried it. And I have no idea what people are talking about when they claim it's better for Fuji files. From what I saw when I tried it, it's really not.


@gavin57 @baldur
Furthermore, what side apps are you talking about? Lightroom does everything I need to do without any plugins or anything else.


@Szilvia @baldur I forget what other applications it installed as I cancelled my subscription about a year ago, but it dumped around 6 additional icons into my utilities folder on the Mac. Plus it requires its own launcher.


@gavin57 @baldur
Hence why I have no interest in an Adobe subscription. I never even use Photoshop. I'm not into messing around with layers etc. Good old Lightroom 6 supports all the cameras I currently own.

David Barber

@animaux I thought about being annoyed by the capture one update thing, and decided it was fine. Their six month upgrade cycle wasn't much different, in terms of 'you can't have that unless you pay us more'. I just need to be better at thinking about whether I really need a feature.

Ricard Torres

@baldur :blobcatnotlikethis: I use Lightroom but without syncing anything.

Do you have a deep link to that setting? Is that on the web or app itself?

Baldur Bjarnason


If you aren't syncing anything then I _think_ you should be safe.

I think it only applies to data that's uploaded to Adobe's cloud.

The setting is at this link for me. It should also be linked somewhere in the app itself.

Ricard Torres

@baldur Thank you very much, I also had enabled "Desktop app usage" 🤦‍♂️


wondering what google photos has been doing with android photos in exchange for "free" photo storage

Aviel 🍓

@i_give_u_worms @baldur pretty sure they do exactly that - use your photos to train ml models…

Lara Juno Venus

@baldur this is scary. But nevertheless the future. Maybe they plan an AI generator like MidJourney or sell information to a platform like that. I know Shutterstock just did.

Ces Felber

I knew Adobe had become evil... 😠


@baldur Thanks for sharing this. I had synching switched in so I could switch between my MacBook and my iPad. What a pain in the arse.


@baldur I object to opt-out analysis of content that’s not private. It’s not clear the analysis here matches your description though; this same text would also cover analyses such as measuring what percent of Lightroom images are landscapes, which doesn’t involve taking images and including them in a training set.

Baldur Bjarnason

@stig AFAICT, most current machine learning approaches involve building a training set of some sort?

Also, after its history Adobe does not get the benefit of the doubt from me.

Alan Bristow

@baldur @dave_rogers Adobe, purchased Macro Media, starved and then bordered FireWorks because it made Ps look like the bag of trash it is, and continue to make astoundingly slow software. Oh and PDFs are kryptonite for a11y and mobile, but Adobe insinuated PDF into governments and that war chest of $ allows them to wander around doing this stuff. RIP FireWorks

Baldur Bjarnason

@alan Don't forget the decade-long security disaster that were its poorly maintained browser plugins. And the ElcomSoft/Sklyarov trial. And the buggy nightmare DRM on its software suite.

Alan Bristow

@baldur Ah yes. That too, thank you!

PS typo “…starved and then ~bordered~ +murdered+ FireWorks…”

Ben Delarre

@baldur it's not quite what it seems. This is an old setting with badly worded prose. I can't comment too much on it due to corp things but it's not the situation it appears. Hopefully comms will get it's act together soon and clarify what's going on here.

Mega corps can't help but shoot themselves in our feet it seems

Baldur Bjarnason

@bendelarre Yeah, the way it's worded would explicitly give Adobe the permission to build a Midjourney style product with our photos.

Given everything else that's going on, I think it'd be reasonable for everybody to go and make sure that toggle is turned off.


@baldur Odd, I checked my settings and I was already opted out. I wonder if their automatic opt-in (which needs to be stopped everywhere) isn't done to California clients or something?

Baldur Bjarnason

@mybarkingdogs Yeah, been hearing similar things. Whether it's on or off by default seems to depend on jurisdiction or something?


@baldur Probably. Off-by-default needs to be standard for privacyvio or usage of content. Especially because the two can overlap - I'm certain people have processed say legal or healthcare documents in Acrobat at some point, or edited NSFW work in Photoshop etc

Steven Bodzin bike & subscribe

@baldur i just got Lightroom eso i guessvi need to start uploading lots of abstract forms with random captions


@baldur Adobe, continuing its perfect record of shitting on end users.

Jeff Codes 🤨

@baldur #darktable @darktable
#FOSS for the win.
I switched years ago to darktable. It's a higher learning curve than lightroom, and I still am able to get all I want and more.
I get it doesn't sync like you want; however, there are plenty of other file syncing services you could also use. #Nextcloud, for example, could help serve as an syncing service.

Ку :emojione_v2_bear_face_1f43b:🇧🇬🇪🇺

@baldur Stable Diffusion is really hot right now… might be a good market for them to expand into… Imagine being able to train an “art” generating AI on unpublished (therefore likely unlicensed) work, GOLD-FUCKING-MINE :theoffice_michael_laugh:


@baldur I'll just mention: Their competitor—Affinity, just released version 2 of their programs :)


@YellowDot @baldur

Affinity isn't *within a million miles* of being a LightRoom "competitor" - they're completely different solutions.

(I've used Affinity Photo since the day it was released, and Lightroom since v.3)


@baldur "great" news... about shitty company that some time ago decided to not allow me to use software that i bought without a crack... (they disabled licence/activate servers for older version of LR/Photoshops)

so... i hope that more companies and people will go OUT of their invoice systems.



I do not want to sound ignorant, but if you are using Microsoft and iOS, I guess Adobe is the least of your problems...


@vgnpwr @baldur
The thing is, that I don't have to use MS or iOS personally.

Over here, many photo studios use #Lightroom to process their customer's pictures.

So, pictures of myself, that they took some years ago, were probably transfered to Adobe's servers, I assume?


@fasnix @vgnpwr @baldur OK, it sounds like if a customer contracts with another person for image processing, and that person uses Adobe, then #Adobe is asserting it has rights to that third-party customer’s property, if a contractor didn’t opt out?


@baldur I can't imagine how these products pass legal review.


@sk @baldur Yes, is #adobe really allowed to steal someone’s copyrighted works, simply because they contracted with the designer that was using Adobe, if that designer didn’t click opt out, because adobe hid it in TOS?

Eric Stoveken

@baldur @sk Yeah, the last ten years or so have seen a perverse spreading of loopholes and generous expansion of blanket protection for companies (See also: Every pharmaceutical commercial now has as part of its muttered safety info the following “Do not take [X] if you’re allergic to [X].”

We tend to just click on the TOS box, often bc trying to slog through the miles of benign boilerplate in search of the tiny (and increasingly toxic) poison pills is exhausting.

Stephen Gentle

@baldur I switched to Capture One a long time ago - partially because Adobe do scummy things, but also just so I could grab a license every few years, instead of having to constantly pay a subscription (although that is also an option).


@baldur well this is the push I needed to uninstall Bridge and find a better way to do what I needed.


@baldur this is a pretty big privacy issue even if it is just AI analysing it

Gina C. Pieters

@baldur @pluralistic This nature of ownership of the data being used to train AI models, and the ownership of the subsequent AI value, is going to be an interesting realm for lawyers in a few years.


@profpieters @baldur @pluralistic I am curious how #Adobe can assert rights to someone’s copyrighted images, if they contracted with a designer who used an adobe product and didn’t click to opt out

#Copyright #IntellectualProperty #PrivateProperty

𒎏Taliaお姉さん 💜 🏳️‍⚧️

@baldur Not sure what would be worse, if this was legal without asking, or if they got away with putting that in their terms. Either case would be a clear sign that humanity is a failed experiment.


@baldur Fortunately #Adobe also designed a UI so incomprehensible that #Lightroom hoovered up 2G of data from my pictures a few years ago and has been "training" on just those images for this entire time. I can't figure out how to remove them, I can't figure out how to control what gets pulled onto their server, so I just leave them there and ignore the entreaties to buy more storage space.

Finally a good outcome from terrible #UI design.


@baldur Adobe been shady ever since they closed an eye on NFTs and now even them are interested into AI imaginery... oh dear...

Acceleration Shark

@baldur Have you tried Darktable? I’ve used that and sometimes GIMP too for editing RAW photos taken by my Canon DSLR. I’m not sure if Darktable is Mac or Windows compatible.

Speaking of which I should get a CompactFlash card with more storage space. Mine is only 1GB.

ninpnin :flag_bisexual:

@baldur One more reason to use open soure software.

David Megginson

@baldur Not surprised that #Adobe is doing that, after my recent experience.

When I enabled the #DuckDuckGo App Tracking Protection module on my #Android phone, I was surprised to see that the worst offender, by a couple of orders of magnitude, was #Acrobat. It made over 7,000 tracking attempts in the few minutes before I uninstalled it.

Dave Mackey

@david_megginson @baldur app tracking? I only see the browser, is this a separate product?

David Megginson

@davidshq @baldur It's a module that you have to enable in settings. I don't use the browser itself, but I have the module enabled. It works as a pseudo-VPN.

Rylie ✨💖 Pavlik

@baldur I'm hoping that doesn't apply to Acrobat Reader...

Jiiim ⚛️

I have been pleased with DxO PhotoLab.

Blurry Bits Photography

@baldur My only regret, is that the open source editors became so good, that warezing Photoshop became a bore..

Joe And-A-Half Men

@baldur this is why I pirate everything.

Can't steal my data if the application has its ability to connect to Adobe servers entirely excised.


@baldur ah shit I had to cancel my account because it wouldn't let me change country/payment bank location - maybe I should re-authorise specifically to opt out :/
Tho the price is extortionate, barely use it.

Vincent 🖋️

@baldur Does this also apply to Lightroom Classic? The pictures aren't uploaded to the cloud in that instance.


@baldur “The setting does not apply in certain limited circumstances“ #Adobe Presumably, Adobe is telling its customers they will cooperate if investigative agencies come with warrants, and maybe even if they don’t have warrants


@baldur But wait, I thought the subscription model was all Adobe needed to become more sustainable!

Austin Philip Noble

@baldur More data grabbing. Wonder what their long term goal of all that visual data is? AI big tech.


@baldur lots of free options out there or affinity

Charlotte Cochard

@baldur How is this legal to have this as "opt out" rather than "opt in" under #GDPR ?

Michael Veale

@CCochard @baldur GDPR less relevant here than ePrivacy Directive I think, this is the retrieval of information from a terminal device.

Charlotte Cochard

@mikarv @baldur never heard of it!
Will go read!

Thank you for educating me!

Michael Veale

@CCochard @baldur it's the primary source of law that creates (still illegal) cookie banners, not the GDPR. In the UK the law is called PECR.

Jojanneke van den Bosch

@baldur That's a rather aggressive approach. Just read that Microsoft is planning to put ChatGPT behind a paywall. So AI platforms are going to use anyone's images regardless, AND make other people pay for what the platforms haven't made. Puzzling.

smallcircles (Humanity Now 🕊)

@jojannekevdbosch @baldur

There's a big Hacker News discussion on that #Microsoft #ChatGPT plan, right now:

Generally speaking with #AI in the hands of Big Tech as it is, anything goes. Max. disruption and "break it until you make it" is what we can expect, and a mad dash to get to market dominance. Let others deal with the externalities.


@baldur wow that sucks! piracy has never looked so good


Tbh. I don't see anything here that surprises me.
It is Adobe, after all.

Paul Waldo

@baldur to add insult to injury, they have obviously not taken what they have learned to update their face and scene recognition!


@baldur I wish it wasn’t too much to ask that stuff like this is required to be opt in.

Bc Clarity Carlton-Martin

@baldur It (the Universe) is a fractal so yes of course it is there. Someone built the box. Consciousness did the rest.

System Adminihater

@baldur Whomever finds the misconfigured AWS bucket where they store this wins a prize.


@baldur this is why I only use Lightroom Classic. The only exceptions being on mobile and I often use that in airplane mode and just round-trip edit from Apple Photos and delete from Lightroom before I let it sync.

David Bragg

@baldur Gotta love when one of the most egregious rent seeking asshole companies then turns around and does this to its customers. I mean, I'm not at all surprised, but it definitely takes a strong "fuck you, we own you" mentality and complete disregard for your customers to orient yourself this way.


@baldur is this one of those, where the machine learning will flag and block people randomly?

Wondering if I can still take pictures of my kids at the beach next summer, or if some rogue algorithm will flag kids in bathing suits as potential paedophilia.

Tyler Saunders :androidalt:

@baldur This is insane, because presumably you are paying adobe some fee to use it's products and it's still stealing data from you in a super shady way.

There's a strong privacy argument for preferring local desktop applications that this "everything in the cloud" nonsense.

I get that cloud storage is super convenient, but it's not _terribly_ hard to to set up a NAS yourself, but I acknowledge not everyone has the know how / wants to do that.


@baldur Cool! Big tech wants my data! Hey, wait a minute... big tech wants my data?!


@baldur I recommend all artists use alternatives- particularly open source alternatives where available.
If you need adobe… cs5/cs6 is very easy to acquire(🏴‍☠️ ) and does pretty much everything cc does and more through plugins.

Krita is one of my favorites- excellent program for illustration


@baldur I suppose that it is illegal. Pictures of identifiable persons are considered as personal data and is covered by GDPR...


@baldur see this is why I use a [mysterious] copy I [found laying in a bathtub] five years ago instead of having paid for the costmoney version

it's just better opsec to never have anything in the adobe cloud


@baldur PSA: Try the FOSS alternatives like kdenlive, gimp, krita, etc. You may find (i and many others did) that they’re just as good if not better.


@baldur This is absolutely insane and outrageous. I'm glad I only ever pirated that stupid company's software.

Karl Auerbach

@baldur - Sounds like an opportunity to provide 'dobe with a lot of "interesting" training data.

Yoshimatsu ✅🇺🇸 🇺🇦

@baldur Anyone who trusts any large company these days is just asking to be screwed.

8 bit

@baldur Adobe offer two versions: Lightroom CC, and Lightroom Classic. Lightroom Classic is a local install which lets you keep all your images out of the cloud - so a less privacy questionable option if you must use Lightroom.

Mike Smale

@baldur I dumped Adobe as soon as they went subscription. $60 or more a month for software that crashes constantly and corrupts the files on which you're working? No thanks, throw that away.


@baldur yall should pirate Adobe products, it is clearly the moral choice here.


Attached: an infographic of alternative software (for Win, iOS, Linux) that might replace some Adobe products.


If anyone really wants this as Alt Text, I'll try to OCR it and edit it. I'm not expecting that to be easy.


@baldur Adobe is just the worst software company

Sean :nivenly: 🦬

@baldur not at all surprising, one of thelat lowdown, untrustworthy, monopoly of a company that I have to regularly deal with.


@baldur Important question: if you're working on a project under NDA and this happens, are you suddenly in violation of your NDA? What if it's a court sealed legal document? What if it's medical records under HIPAA?


@baldur so if I were to draw a lot of child pornography…?


@baldur Thanks for finding this! I have just opted out :ablobgrimace:

Daria :verified_coffee:

@baldur and I considered a subscription for Ps and Lr as "professional" photo tools... ummm. Adobe is becoming more and more evil...

Codex ☯️♈☮

I've been getting my #SyncThing installs set up again to cut down my use of cloud services. Setting it up on a NAS and making it remotely accessible will be more challenging but I think worthwhile for fully getting away from cloud storage. I think more and more of the big players are going to sneak these "we can feed AI off you" into their terms, and I think most of them are doing it already in secret.

Doctor X

@baldur The wealthy have the right to rifle through your files and plagiarize them for AI magic. They can look up everything about you on background-check sites and track your transactions and face and GPS around the world. The not-wealthy get only spam results now if they search an image site for a shirtless actor. Even the White Pages is the thing of the past!

Technology is all about enforcing inequality. And the Dark Age isn't coming by misfortune but by necessity.


@baldur So does this mean someone’s unique photo subjects might start turning up in images produced by some commercial Adobe product?


@baldur unsurprising; gives further support for de-clouding my life and reasserting control of my digital archives


@baldur Just signed up for the Adobe suite to do some graphic design and video editing / compositing work last week. Not very happy with finding this out.

Aral Balkan

@baldur How surprising. (They’re one of the main surveillance capitalists. Everyone knows them for their creative tools but they have a huge adtech arm.)

(Search for Adobe on the following page: :)

sharon linne faulk

@baldur I use Lightroom but sync no photos. I am glad I never had the need.

Steve Williams

I'm happily migrating away from the feature and system bloat monster that is adobe.

Obvs benefits, but my 20 years using Premiere left me disgusted. Each year they spew out one button 'killer' features (usually crap in the real world), combined with not addressing so many bugs we professionals begged them to fix.

Also, the whole stock footage tie-in has resulted in a tsunami of creative cringe. Slapping stock into projects to make it .... err... professional?

Rant over.

I'm happily migrating away from the feature and system bloat monster that is adobe.

Obvs benefits, but my 20 years using Premiere left me disgusted. Each year they spew out one button 'killer' features (usually crap in the real world), combined with not addressing so many bugs we professionals begged them to fix.

Jewish conversations


Thanks for bringing this to the attention of the community. This is a serious privacy issue, as well as an economic issue. We've allowed ourselves to be indoctrinated into a system where large corporations and oligarchies are pretty much given a pass to freely grab and monetize all of our data and ideas, so that they profit while no one else does. This disturbing trend needs to be examined by political common social, and political groups.

Oz Lubling

@baldur this feels a bit evasive. Good to educate people using these tools to look for these settings and ensure they make a choice they’re comfortable with. These days it feels like everything you do online is training data for someone.


@baldur I'm really getting behind the idea of the Butlerian Jihad. (Also thanks for the heads up)

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