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Slobber Baron

@quinn Everything I've read by and about Butler makes them seem just... impossibly fucking cool

Quinn Wilton

@aphyr I'm not actually sure that I've read anything by them yet! Any recommendations?

Slobber Baron

@millenomi @quinn Whoops, them, thanks! (Thought I recalled something about that but my books are old)

Slobber Baron

@quinn So the work of theirs I've read (and oh gosh it's been a bit and I don't have refs handy) focuses specifically on speech acts and performativity, and they were wildly influential in both--citations everywhere. There's a really fun sociolinguistics book by Barrett called "from drag queens to leathermen" whose opening chapter gives what I (a total layperson) think is a good summary of performativity--when I read that it really helped solidify the concept for me.

Quinn Wilton

@aphyr amazing, thank you! That sounds like exactly the sort of thing I've been interested in lately 😊

Slobber Baron

@quinn ooh also you might be interested in... gosh it might be in Rubin's anthology "Deviations" but I'm not sure and my copy is with a boy in a different city 😆 ... anyway I seem to recall coming across a chapter once which was a conversation between Butler & queer historian Gayle Rubin and I just remember going OH MY GOD THEY ARE SO SHARP I WISH I COULD THINK LIKE THIS

Slobber Baron

@quinn I think it was a retrospective on the lesbian sex wars and the fallout of the Barnard conference on women's sexuality??? I'm sorry I *really* wish my memory weren't a leaky sieve at moments like this.

Quinn Wilton

@aphyr no worries at all! I appreciate the pointers, regardless 😊 Butler is one of those people I've always had on my list but never gotten around to reading, so it's helpful to know you've enjoyed their stuff


@quinn @aphyr Gender Trouble is the classic text, but it can be pretty dense depending on who you are. Undoing Gender is a bit more accessible.

@aphyr @quinn Somehow I prefer to read Althusser but overall the school that sprung of there (which includes Butler) is neat!
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