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3 posts total
Quinn Wilton

I just found out my latest talk, from @causalislands is online!

This one gets into more of my philosophy around distributed systems, and includes a live demo of an early version of my Datalog being used to build a web application.

Since then, things have improved a ton, and I'm really excited to start showing off what I have!


@quinn @causalislands

paging @muratdemirbas an intertwined bunch of different musical, art, and philosophical references, to then go deep on #distSys ;) original !!!

Quinn Wilton

Going to be live @causalislands in half an hour (1:00 pm eastern), with pay what you want virtual tickets, if anyone is interested!

Quinn Wilton

Find someone who flirts with you the way Judith Butler flirts at a linguistics conference

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Shaula Evans

@quinn 100% would work on me! 😂

Cristina León Alfar, PhD

@quinn What are you reading? I would love to read this.


@quinn I… I didn’t know I wanted Judith Butler to flirt with me, but where we are.

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