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Matti Aleve

@ct_bergstrom we have both crows, red tailed and coopers hawks in our neighborhood. The crows frequently collaborate and chase the hawks. Since it’s not nesting season, sort of curious why they’re doing it as I don’t think the hawks are a threat to the crows? Everything if found via google just says, yeah they do this.

Petra van Cronenburg

@Maleve @ct_bergstrom They even protect other animals from predators. My neighbour is happy having a flock of crows. They keep the chicken goshawk away from his chickens and even attack foxes when they try to sneak into the coop.


@NatureMC @Maleve @ct_bergstrom Sadly, when I worked as a farm vet, I had to euthanise many lambs whose eyes, tongues, & navels had been pecked out by crows as they were being born. Corvids also pecked out the eyes of some ewes in labour as they couldn’t get away. I respect crows for their beauty & intelligence, but I’ll never be a fan.

Petra van Cronenburg

@MrInappropriate @Maleve @ct_bergstrom Living in a region with sheep farming, I understand you completely! Here in the border area of E-France/SW-Germany, there is intensive cooperation between sheep farmers, nature conservation and hunters:

Unfortunately, it seems to be a human-made problem, not a "bad character" of the birds. Flocks grow too fast because of warmer winters. And the problem seems to come only from the flocks of young males, never from couples.

@MrInappropriate @Maleve @ct_bergstrom Living in a region with sheep farming, I understand you completely! Here in the border area of E-France/SW-Germany, there is intensive cooperation between sheep farmers, nature conservation and hunters:

Petra van Cronenburg

@MrInappropriate @Maleve @ct_bergstrom The bigger farmers here keep their lambs in stables. If the flock grows too quickly and the youngsters are aggressive, the hunters come.
My neighbour said, if you have only one couple of corvids, this will chase the flocks of young males, protecting their territory.And it would be important, not to leave the afterbirth or carrion.He doesn't keep sheep for meat, so they are more resistant with fewer lambs and he is always at the place during birth.


@Maleve @ct_bergstrom

Crows are territorial about their nesting area and have feeding areas separate from the nesting area that they are also protective of. But they don't seem as strict about the feeding areas. I've sometimes seen raptors in the feeding area being ignored by the crows.


@Maleve @ct_bergstrom

A funny-to-humans story about crows:

I was waiting in a drive thru lane when I realized I had heard angry crows for some time. I couldn't see them, then as the line turned the corner I caught glimpses of a very big bird. Hawk? That would explain the crows. A bit later I turn the second corner and the large bird is a full-grown American Bald Eagle doing lazy loops about 100 feet up. As I move forward I finally see the crows.


@Maleve @ct_bergstrom

Two crows are a half-block away in the top of a large tree. And they aren't sounding as loud or as angry, because the eagle has been slowly looping closer.

As I watch, the crows scramble down three feet within the tree. The eagle lands right on top of them. It is now quiet. One of the crows stretches his neck up, as if to grab an eagle tail feather.

The eagle stretches his neck down and the crow changed his mind.

Then my order is up and I have to drive away.

@Maleve @ct_bergstrom

Two crows are a half-block away in the top of a large tree. And they aren't sounding as loud or as angry, because the eagle has been slowly looping closer.

As I watch, the crows scramble down three feet within the tree. The eagle lands right on top of them. It is now quiet. One of the crows stretches his neck up, as if to grab an eagle tail feather.

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