@NatureMC @Maleve @ct_bergstrom Sadly, when I worked as a farm vet, I had to euthanise many lambs whose eyes, tongues, & navels had been pecked out by crows as they were being born. Corvids also pecked out the eyes of some ewes in labour as they couldn’t get away. I respect crows for their beauty & intelligence, but I’ll never be a fan.
@MrInappropriate @Maleve @ct_bergstrom Living in a region with sheep farming, I understand you completely! Here in the border area of E-France/SW-Germany, there is intensive cooperation between sheep farmers, nature conservation and hunters: https://www.biosphaerengebiet-alb.de/fileadmin/projekte/Kolkraben_Schafhaltung/BIO_21001_Kolkraben_barrierefrei_210908.pdf
Unfortunately, it seems to be a human-made problem, not a "bad character" of the birds. Flocks grow too fast because of warmer winters. And the problem seems to come only from the flocks of young males, never from couples.
@MrInappropriate @Maleve @ct_bergstrom Living in a region with sheep farming, I understand you completely! Here in the border area of E-France/SW-Germany, there is intensive cooperation between sheep farmers, nature conservation and hunters: https://www.biosphaerengebiet-alb.de/fileadmin/projekte/Kolkraben_Schafhaltung/BIO_21001_Kolkraben_barrierefrei_210908.pdf