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Hi Carl, what a very lovely and entertaining series.

As a thank you, here are some pics of "mine", Lady Guuzi-Bird and Mr. Guuzi-Bird (means treaty-bird for the treats - and it's also the call I use which they respond to).

They just LEURVE that cat food variety: "with venison" 😁

Canniuanos replied to Carl T. Bergstrom


Funny story BTW.....

As you can see, I have this very heavy (engine piston) ashtray on a sheet of kitchen paper on the table.

They used to tear it out from under - moving the ashtray a foot on the table - and rip it up every_single_day! until I went HMMM... and put their food and water on one as well; their very own kitchen paper sheet, so there.

Ever since...... quiet!

Crow Logic™ 😂

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