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David Revoy

Recent illustrations I painted for Framasoft, all under free/libre culture license.
Sources and Wallpaper are all available here: (and more)

I really love working with them. It's mainly what I do when I'm not working on Pepper&Carrot.

Their yearly funding campaign (at 78% while I'm writing this) ends in less than 10 days, please help them if you can 💜 (the page is translated)

#MastoArt #Krita #ccby #HumanArt

A digital painting illustration of Framaspace. Over the clouds on a colored space, a little unicorn with a self made astronaut hat made of kitchen ustencils blows bubbles (like a kid would blow soap bubbles), the bubbles grows and are personal space: having icons of home folders, musics, calc files, archives...Etc). In background, thousands of bubbles float in the universe.
A digital painting landscape of a sea-side port of boat at night, the scene is lighted by the video projectors: one is on each boat and project a video on the main wing of each boat. A network of bridges connect them. On the foreground, on the sand and one of these bridges with a red carpet and glowing lights, Sepia, the mascott of Peertube, invite the viewer to join the federation of videos.
A digital painting illustration of a large landscape with a village for cat in canyons. They build up giant strawberry and cream cake on top of clouds, or lemon cakes on top of big scafholding. the colors are like candy. A kitten in foreground, reminiscent of the design of the CHATON collective logo is inviting the viewer to discover the project.
A digital painting isometric top view of a large and structured vegetable patch guarden. A bit similar than in the collective patch guarden outside of city, runs by association. It's a day of party, and guests sits at a large table in circle around a fire. Ducks delivers Pizzas from a pizza truck, kittens, zebras, gnu, and unicorns (even Sepia the squid) are dinning together.
Kaleidoscope Dad

@davidrevoy what prompt did you use ? :derpy:

(Je rigole, pas taper :blob-lurk: )


T'as vraiment un sacré coup de crayon pour les bestioles ! 😍


@davidrevoy these make me so happy! So pretty and joyful!


@davidrevoy these are so cute and add a lot of personality to Framasoft websites, love it


@davidrevoy did you make the isometric drawing in krita entirely? It's quite impressive.

David Revoy

@doctormo Thank you, Martin. Yes, it was painted in Krita. I remember I spent probably more than two full days only painting details. But because I love animals and doing my vegetable patch, it was a pleasant challenge to spend all these hours on this scene. Many easter eggs are part of it: #discworld , duckling with marshmallow, squirels, snails, etc... ( full resolution: )


The Sketch VS The Final

@doctormo Thank you, Martin. Yes, it was painted in Krita. I remember I spent probably more than two full days only painting details. But because I love animals and doing my vegetable patch, it was a pleasant challenge to spend all these hours on this scene. Many easter eggs are part of it: #discworld , duckling with marshmallow, squirels, snails, etc... ( full resolution: )

A (sketch speedpainting, large brush stroke and blury: everything is suggested more than described) digital painting isometric top view of a large and structured vegetable patch guarden. A bit similar than in the collective patch guarden outside of city, runs by association. It's a day of party, and guests sits at a large table in circle around a fire. Ducks delivers Pizzas from a pizza truck, kittens, zebras, gnu, and unicorns (even Sepia the squid) are dinning together.
A digital painting (final, detailed) isometric top view of a large and structured vegetable patch guarden. A bit similar than in the collective patch guarden outside of city, runs by association. It's a day of party, and guests sits at a large table in circle around a fire. Ducks delivers Pizzas from a pizza truck, kittens, zebras, gnu, and unicorns (even Sepia the squid) are dinning together.

@davidrevoy @doctormo I just found the diskworld Easter egg, excellent one! 🥰


@davidrevoy I especially love this drawing. I have it now as my computer's wallpaper and would love to display more illustrations of that kind all around me on computers, websites and also physically. 😃

I think we need more joyful drawings like these which make me think a little bit at the Solarpunk movement because they help us imagine other appealing ways of living. 🙂

Thanks for these drawings!


@davidrevoy This looks lovely David. I love the colours in the galaxy bubble artwork


@davidrevoy So beautiful paintings. The happiness style. 😉 Thank you for sharing! Hm, which one could be my new Background… 🤔😁

Rapha Lopes

@davidrevoy David, this is gorgeous!

this is so beautiful, the colors, the mood... so good that I start felt an immediate desire to design a game interface over some of these arts! Congrats! 👏


@davidrevoy The colors in the unicorn one are so good! Especially in the clouds.

Séβαστιεν 🐧

@davidrevoy ¿ Est-ce que cela ne serait pas une bonne idée de créer un thème de fonds d'écran pour Gnome, KDE Plasma et autres ?
Si tu n'en s pas le temps, je peux voir si je peux m'y coller.


@davidrevoy Too much people on the server ? There is a 503 error :-( Your drawings are awesome !

David Revoy

@irslo haha, possible 😅 I probably accidentally DDosed my webcomic gallery 🤣


@davidrevoy This is great. I love the colors and expansiveness.

che chou :breadified:

@davidrevoy these are so full of vibes and details. awesome work.

Volpit :ac_thought:

@davidrevoy I love them all, but the last one was a wonderful shock. It's so calm, happy, friendly... it's now my wallpaper :)


@davidrevoy Super travail ! Magnifiques illustrations !

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