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Brewster Kahle

Please donate to the Internet Archive if you can.

We are a bargain! Serving millions every day with books music video and web archives.

Please help keep everything freely available.


@brewsterkahle The is the most important site on the Internet. They have been saving almost every webpage since the 90s to preserve the history of the web. Remember ? ? They do.

And they have much more. Millions of old videos, including the of old PSAs and industrial films. The "Duck and Cover" ads from the 50s are my favorite, with a cartoon turtle who teaches kids how to hide under their desk in a nuclear attack.

They have every book scanned by the Project. They have 16,000 shows donated by the band. They have in-browser of game systems from the to the , and computers like the , , and 80s . They even have a growing library of 's deleted tweets, preserved for history.

An easy way to donate: I set them up as my Smile charity at Now when I buy anything, Amazon donates 0.5% of my purchase to them.

Donate! History will thank you.

@brewsterkahle The is the most important site on the Internet. They have been saving almost every webpage since the 90s to preserve the history of the web. Remember ? ? They do.

And they have much more. Millions of old videos, including the of old PSAs and industrial films. The "Duck and Cover" ads from the 50s are my favorite, with a cartoon turtle who teaches kids how to hide under their desk in a nuclear attack.

Brewster Kahle

@mvexel @karstenbondy

Depends on what you can/want to do, but the Internet Archive needs lots of help-- wayback, search, periodicals, 78's, ILL, outreach... so much to do.

Brewster Kahle

@mvexel @karstenbondy

I am sure there are interesting and useful geospacial projects at the Archive.

How hard is it to disambiguate textual references to places?

We could map where bands played in the live music archive,

could map where TV news is referring to,

we could use maps to help navigate government documents (notoriously hard to navigate)

maybe add locations to home movies, to books.

whois data...

anyway, we have lots of cultural materials to play with.


@mvexel @brewsterkahle Thanks for the boost, Martijn! I'm huge fan of and the work you've done on . I could swear we did a story on it years ago when I was working on , but I can't find any record of it.

You and the folks at need volunteers, too! If anyone here loves projects and wants a fun challenge, they should go to and help add places and fix data in Open Street Map. They need people to add details about everything from highways in to in and barbershops in the .

We've all learned a lesson this past month about how crucial it is to have open source backups to the corporate services we depend on. There's nothing keeping from sending to the like , , and all the useful editing tools that Maps used to have. I'm going to try switching to Open Street Maps, and maybe even track down some US museums websites for you!

@mvexel @brewsterkahle Thanks for the boost, Martijn! I'm huge fan of and the work you've done on . I could swear we did a story on it years ago when I was working on , but I can't find any record of it.

You and the folks at need volunteers, too! If anyone here loves projects and wants a fun challenge, they should go to and help add places and fix data in Open Street Map. They need people to add details about everything from highways in

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