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16 posts total
Brewster Kahle


MTV News Is Back (Kind Of) Thanks to the Internet Archive

After Paramount Global yanked over 20 years of music journalism, the non-profit Internet Archive created a searchable index of MTV News via its Wayback Machine"

rolling stone.

foo ✅

@brewsterkahle God* bless and Godspeed to the Internet Archive!

*my agnostic notion of God

Brewster Kahle

"Saving the First Draft of History:

When news sites suddenly shut down and former URLs are sold to the highest bidder, saving a publisher's archive becomes a time-consuming and rigorous full-time job in the digital age."

nice piece featuring @mark of the Internet Archive Wayback Machine!

Brewster Kahle

InterLibrary loan lives!

Record numbers are getting articles and chapters through this reliable free method from the Internet Archive.

The long tail holdings are needed!

384 libraries are now getting docs through one system.

Go @internetarchive go #ILL


@brewsterkahle @internetarchive ILL is awesome. I have gotten access to 4 books already this year, with at least that many requests waiting for some kind library to fulfill.

Brewster Kahle

Digitizing Aruba's History, Culture & Heritage. go aruba go @internetarchive

(6 minutes youtube)

Brewster Kahle

"No one buys [their] books" a report on the big publisher's court testimony.


"The DOJ’s lawyer collected data on 58,000 titles published in a year and discovered that 90 percent of them sold fewer than 2,000 copies and 50 percent sold less than a dozen copies. "

Yet, they sue to make sure libraries can not buy them (above and beyond copyright). They changed the laws so copyright lasts 95 years-- so no one can get to them.

good stewards of our cultural legacy?

"No one buys [their] books" a report on the big publisher's court testimony.


"The DOJ’s lawyer collected data on 58,000 titles published in a year and discovered that 90 percent of them sold fewer than 2,000 copies and 50 percent sold less than a dozen copies. "

Yet, they sue to make sure libraries can not buy them (above and beyond copyright). They changed the laws so copyright lasts 95 years-- so no one can get to them.

Bill Seitz

@brewsterkahle and they forced a huge increase in the prices of ebooks, to match paper books.

Keith Mann

@brewsterkahle Owning and controlling information is the same kind of imperative for publishers that preserving and disseminating it is for the IA. It, not books, is their asset. Yet it's so hard to value individually that they simply hoard it until some nugget shows potential, and they will milk it dry and speculate and diversify to improve their odds. It is as much quantity as quality, and the more, the better. Past sales be damned; there's always a chance for more as long as you own it.


@brewsterkahle apparently this is wrong, but I hae lost the post that rebuts it sorry

Brewster Kahle

"The Internet Archive Just Backed Up an Entire Caribbean Island

By becoming the official custodian of an entire nation’s history for the first time, the Internet Archive is expanding its already outsize role in preserving the digital world for posterity."

Brewster Kahle

Rotate Your Owl.... for Science

(remember to turn the sound on)

It is so important to preserve shockwave animations from our earlier days. so important. :)

Go @internetarchive . Please donate

Brewster Kahle

Please donate to @internetarchive to stand by your library.

100Petabytes and growing-- building a record of our time for us all to enjoy.

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@brewsterkahle @internetarchive

I gave them a fiver a while back, when they had a few pages of a web site I thought I had lost forever. I'm certain they'll be helpful again, and will gladly pay again...


@brewsterkahle @internetarchive I’m in! I’ve read countless books there, and I love that I could get access that helps me as a visually impaired reader/scholar!

Rue Mohr

@internetarchive The internet archive has done SO much more for me than the wikipedia ever did.

Brewster Kahle

10 years of Preserving old software! @internetarchive

"10 years on, the Internet Archive now offers over 250,000 emulated games and programs that run in your browser"

Phileosopher :verified:

@brewsterkahle @internetarchive

You've got me curious: how come game corps don't throw endless DMCA requests over some of this stuff? IA's old game collection is *huge*.


@brewsterkahle @internetarchive The internet archive did nothing wrong. The current copyright laws are wrong.

Brewster Kahle

Now the Washington lawyers want to destroy digital collections of scratchy 78rpm records, 70-120 year old, built by dedicated preservationists online since 2006.

Who benefits?

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Daydream Soundtrax

@brewsterkahle the minute they filed suit and unleashed headlines across the internet, millions of people who weren't aware of the collection are now checking it out (and hopefully downloading it)

Brewster Kahle

Burning Man-esque Test pattern!

(Am I the only one that loves testpatterns?)

from a 1980's newspaper microfilm reel we are digitizing.

Gosh American film tech was amazing! And our digitization imaging tech is pretty great.

Look at the clarity of 4pt type.

David Wilson

@brewsterkahle now I know where my next few password strings are coming from

Brewster Kahle

Loving historic Canadian Government Document cover graphics.

These are being scanned as part of Democracy's Library project in Canada at the University of Toronto.

Brewster Kahle

Up for Donating Books? try the @internetarchive new app to find out which ones will help fill out the collections (if you go through this, we can sometimes cover postage)

Randomly scanning your or friend's books to see if the Internet Archive already has it... Again, try the app. (I find it fun, but it might just be me)

Search for "donate books" in the apple or google app stores.

Brewster Kahle

Please donate to the Internet Archive if you can.

We are a bargain! Serving millions every day with books music video and web archives.

Please help keep everything freely available.


@brewsterkahle The #InternetArchive is the most important site on the Internet. They have been saving almost every webpage since the 90s to preserve the history of the web. Remember #Angelfire? #Geocities? They do.

And they have much more. Millions of old videos, including the #PrelingerArchive of old PSAs and industrial films. The "Duck and Cover" ads from the 50s are my favorite, with a cartoon turtle who teaches kids how to hide under their desk in a nuclear attack.

They have every book scanned by the #Gutenberg Project. They have 16,000 #GratefulDead shows donated by the band. They have in-browser #emulation of game systems from the #Atari2600 to the #Playstation, and computers like the #C64, #AppleII, and 80s #Mac. They even have a growing library of #Elon's deleted tweets, preserved for history.

An easy way to donate: I set them up as my #Amazon Smile charity at Now when I buy anything, Amazon donates 0.5% of my purchase to them.

Donate! History will thank you.

@brewsterkahle The #InternetArchive is the most important site on the Internet. They have been saving almost every webpage since the 90s to preserve the history of the web. Remember #Angelfire? #Geocities? They do.

And they have much more. Millions of old videos, including the #PrelingerArchive of old PSAs and industrial films. The "Duck and Cover" ads from the 50s are my favorite, with a cartoon turtle who teaches kids how to hide under their desk in a nuclear attack.

Brewster Kahle

The Great 78 Project twitter bot is now on Mastodon!

Each hour it posts 1 newly digitized 78rpm record you can play.

Give it a shot-- it is nice to have something good happening out there in Internet-landia.


go @internetarchive !

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Imdat :heart_nb: :verified:

@brewsterkahle @great78 @internetarchive @jalefkowit Wow! This is absolutely lovely! Thank you! (Which reminds me: I definitely must donate to Internet Archive…)

Per Funke

@brewsterkahle @great78 @internetarchive

Just listening to "Africa Music Rythmns in the Jungle"👍 👍
Thank you!

Ed Summers

@brewsterkahle nice! it might be nicer if it didn't post every hour, maybe once a day?

Brewster Kahle

The Internet Archive fulfills lots of #ILL requests each day (and on holidays/weekends).

Each one takes a person to do it, so we spread it out to staff around the world.

I love that the highest years are the 1990's...

Keeping our cultural memory alive!

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Hiroko Hashitani

@brewsterkahle I've just watched a workshop and immediately setup the Custom Group/Custom holdings path to IAILL in our ILLiad. 👍

Morgan Fletcher :vbike:

@brewsterkahle I have an interest in a niche bit of history - the bicycle culture in the San Francisco, CA, USA region 1860 - 1940 -and has been a most helpful resource!


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