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(Flawed) Anarchist ⚑

@mmasnick Elmo is getting desperate. Have you seen him going to Qatar for investment along with Trump's son in law?

Since Twitter was all about access (atleast in the past), he is now attempting to sell that access to dictators around the world. Won't be long before he starts monetising all the past data (dms, chats & interactions) within twitter about political enemies (opposition party members, activists, journalists, civil society organizations, …) of elite in various countries.

Many of these dictators, their henchmen & spooks would be more than happy to pay $ to influence & also know who their enemies are & what they discussed/currently discussing on twitter.

Since Elmo cannot not be a dictator & can't control himself, he is accelerating the damage as much as he can.

Like someone else put aptly: Twitter is a town square with draw bridges.

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