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Joseph Simko

@Bethany @Popehat @mmasnick

I can admit I WAS a Musk fanboy as recently as 2019, but I have the grace to admit I was wrong. I do think his rise to stratospheric wealth and power is contributing to his downfall. Nobody can tell him 'NO' anymore.


@Bamfurlough @Popehat @mmasnick He grew up in South Africa in a wealthy family. His father owned an emerald mine. He came to America for school and flunked out. Stayed illegally. He joined Tesla and pushed out the owners. Took government subsidies to hire the best to develop cars. Same with Starlink. He’s the perfect example of a mediocre white man who failed up

Joseph Simko

@Bethany @Popehat @mmasnick

To be fair he actually graduated with two degrees (Econ and Physics) from the University of Pennsylvania and was accepted at Stanford to study for a PhD in Physics, but left after only two days to focus on entrepreneurship.

I'm happy to rip Elon to shreds these days, but at least criticize him accurately.

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