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Mark A Lemley

@mmasnick Looks like I’m getting banned after the fact for having Mastodon in my username. So glad I left that hellhole


@mmasnick yeah I just set up mass delete on my account. Will put it in virtual mothballs until it gets banned

Jonah B. Gelbach

@marklemley @mmasnick Mine (just a shell, after I deleted all my tweets) is still up, for now anyway. Maybe because they haven't figured out that is a Masto instance? @paulgp


@gelbach @marklemley @mmasnick @paulgp yeah, I just checked the org account I still have the keys to and it's up, presumably because the URL points to a fairly small server

I'm curious to see how long that will hold, but not all that curious, because the org now has more followers here than we did there. 🤷‍♀️

Corey Rayburn Yung

@gelbach @marklemley @mmasnick @paulgp Mine is still up w/ a extension. I assume the three remaining Twitter engineers might need some time to implement suspension code for everyone under the new policy.


@marklemley @mmasnick
Be sure to deactivate your account and delete the app.

Don’t let Musk keep selling ads w your user count - or gathering data from the app

Kurt Walters

@marklemley @mmasnick interestingly, they have not yet gotten around to banning my Tw account, despite in the username. I'm counting down

Brad Ackerman

@marklemley @mmasnick My primary Mastodon account handle is still in my display name, and I still haven't been banned. Twitter may not even have anyone left who a) can write code and b) isn't spending 100% of work hours looking for another job (if H1B) or doing their actual job (if FIS asset).

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