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David Revoy

@mahmoudajawad Hi, Yes, I have nothing personal against AI, or Image resynthesis software based on neural networks. As a geek and enthusiast for visual art, it's amazing to see this tech. But it should just be trained on Public Domain material. There is enough of them on Wikimedia and other websites for a good starter set. That's why I decided to not use it in my work, and added a "🚫 No A.I." on my bio for now.


@davidrevoy @mahmoudajawad So AI generation would even violate your Creative Commons licence, because the generator does not give any kind of credit. Right?


@davidrevoy @mahmoudajawad
I have an idea of somewhat like "free art dataset initiative", to enable everyone to send their drawings to a common dataset under highly permissive license like wtfpl, and everyone will be allowed to use it in whatever kind of project, commercial or not.
I am lack of technical knowledge to maintain this kind of thing by myself, but I'll be glad to donate all of my drawings i can find if someone else will run this initiative.

David Revoy

@lonelyowl Yes, good idea. Maybe just ask the one who want this to upload on Wikmedia Commons under Public Domain.
Then it will be probably possible to download the picture in a batch way (they have an API for sure). @mahmoudajawad

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