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David Revoy

Digital painting from scratch (no A.I.) using Krita 5.1.3 on Fedora 37 KDE spin. Tablet: an Intuos Pro Large. A description of each step is written on the alt text of pictures.

📦Source and 4K wallpaper:

🗒️License: Creative Commons Attribution (CC-By)

🌧️ Rain-effect video tutorial:
- Ytb:
- Ptb:

#krita #MastoArt


@davidrevoy Aaw, dude, we know you don't do that AI stuff 😉 You've got an entire awesome comic that shows us you're the real deal ❤️


@davidrevoy Your work is so beautiful :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

The Duality of Xan

@davidrevoy I love seeing the different iterations, and how things were added and taken out. It feels pretty similar to the way I write!


@davidrevoy loving the translucency on the parasol with the warm window lights seeping through :birdheart:

Sergio Fernández 💻 🐧

@davidrevoy My 10 year old daughter and I love your illustrations. She's put one of them as wallpaper on her laptop, and she's reading your webcomics too. We have made a small contribution to encourage you to keep on with your loving illustrations. Thanks for sharing.


@davidrevoy awww I love this David!! The colors really pop!! ❤️

John J. Dziak

@davidrevoy That's so beautiful and evocative! It makes me wonder about the young lady's story. To me she looks pensive or worried, or a little sad.


@davidrevoy Really educational! Cool to put the "step by step" info in the alt text!

Camilo Bravo :bass: :drumset:

@davidrevoy loving the glimpse into your process from the image descriptions 💯

Petit Lutin

@davidrevoy Oh, Carrot 😀 ! I was wondering why I did not see him in the final illustration. I was expecting him to be in Pepper's bag 😅 but maybe it was too similar to the episode with the phoenix? 🤔

David Revoy

@Petit_Lutin Yes, and also I saw recently I'm building my pictures with two many points of interest and it often impact my composition to be complex and bloated.
I studied the frame of good movies and saw director prefers storytelling one thing at a time. So, too bad for Carrot in this illustration, he is probably sleeping in her big bag. 🙂


@davidrevoy looks like she's growing up a lot.

Wren Birdie (she/her)

This is just wonderful work. Found you through someone who boosted your work. ☺️


@davidrevoy This is phenomenal work. Seriously, can we work together one day?❤️❤️

David Revoy

@ItsMeChrisWade Thanks! Oh, sure, I would love it. Finding time is another issue 😅 , do you have any idea of how we could collaborate on a single artworks for the fun?


@davidrevoy it’s sad that we must point the non-use of AI out. I’m doing a lot more digital process paintings to show what drawing from scratch means. Head, heart, and hand. Creativity is not an algorithm.

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