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My Actual Brain

@davidrevoy thank you so much for sharing this. I wish I had this skill set. I think your artwork is so beautiful! It’s nice to see how the creative process is broken down.:ac_heart:


@davidrevoy wow, great. You even did the landscape version 😀

David Revoy

@gorobar 😉 Yes, and thanks for suggesting it, it was a good idea 👍



I guess that the "Fête des lumières" coming to your hometown, may be an inspiration source :)

David Revoy

@Vor Hehe, I saw it from the outside but never visited in. I had a quick look: festivaldeslanternes-montauban , 19€ the entry, or 16€ for those with an address in Montauban (😅 Ha oui, quand même!). Maybe I'll visit, it's until 5 February.


@davidrevoy That shading is gorgeous!

And I don't even know how to start learning shading.

David Revoy

@Artha Thanks! I made a tutorial, but it's more about a technic I have using specific layer blending mode with Krita, than really the fundamental (values/light properties/color theory), it's here , I use here the same method, just without the line-art.

Arne Babenhauserheide

@davidrevoy … and I have my new desktop background! Thank you!


@davidrevoy Nice. I love the expressions. Pepper is over the moon about that star, while the dragon is still trying to figure out what he thinks about all this. It's brilliant.


@davidrevoy c’est fantastique! Simplement superbe. Bravo et merci de partager!


@davidrevoy It’s super interesting to see how much the 4th step adds to the atmosphere of this piece although it already looks quite finished after shading.

David Revoy

@yellowjitsch Thanks! Yes, it's difficult to jump from step 3 to 4; because my eyes spent hours reaching step 3 and after that, recovering a fresh observation skill on the result and deciding what color filter could enhance the piece is difficult. Somehow, I found that turning the rendering to black and white (with this tip ) at this step let me more easily spot if my values are 'washed/dull' and not deep and with a certain 'luminosity brilliance/glossiness.

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