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Petit Lutin

@davidrevoy I *LOVE* it ! 😍 :blobcatheart:
On voit bien qu'on est dans un autre monde : un chat qui *accroche* des décorations ? Inimaginable 🤣 (la mienne a décidé que manger le sapin c'était vraiment rigolo)

David Revoy

@Petit_Lutin Merci! Trop mimi.
Ici, j'en ai un qui c'est mis à la tache de manger l'écorce du pied du sapin (une demi souche). Cet année, tous se moque de l'arbre, mais la souche à un succès incroyable. 😆


@davidrevoy cute. And I like the dark-bright and grey-color contrasts. Is there a chance to get a wallpaper version of this?

David Revoy

@gorobar Hey, thanks! The source is unfortunately a vertical format:

If it is a wallpaper for desktop, I assume something horizontal would be optimal. I'll have a look if I can make a wallpaper out of it without much effort (thanks to "the power of the fog , airbrushes and smart copy/pasting of trees with symmetry inverted and deformations" 😆).

If I manage to do it this evening, it will land here: (just refresh this link in a couple of hours).

@gorobar Hey, thanks! The source is unfortunately a vertical format:

If it is a wallpaper for desktop, I assume something horizontal would be optimal. I'll have a look if I can make a wallpaper out of it without much effort (thanks to "the power of the fog , airbrushes and smart copy/pasting of trees with symmetry inverted and deformations" 😆).


@davidrevoy thanks for responding. The conversion would be very nice.🤩

If not, it might just end up on the phone only 😉. Might be a great occasion to do after the big update (with complete wipe, planned for tomorrow)

I had already browsed through the wallpaper section on your website (had some of them in rotation on my laptop already) for it, but didn't think of the "Artworks" category.

Larissa 🇨🇦

I love the written description of the scene! Made me see more details in the picture!


@davidrevoy I love the expression on pepper's face 🤩

Dr Blackberry

@davidrevoy That is simply awesome! Can I ask what #opensource software do you use?

Michal Kváč

@davidrevoy Oh, this is so cute and beautiful!! :blobaww:

Axel Werner

@davidrevoy nice. So many artists hold on to Adobe 's crap and let them enslave them for no reason really. According to your work it's obvious, that open source software is very capable, if one has the talent. 🌟

David Revoy

@Axel1973 Thank you for your very nice words.

I wish other artists had no reasons at all, but unfortunately I know it's false: Photoshop is still ahead by a lot. It's packed with so many unique features, performances, Ai enhanced tool and convenient tools that are real time and productivity boosters for artists in the industry.

Krita is for sure really capable, but still has plenty of paper cuts and workarounds. That's why I keep beta-testing. But it is better and better! 👍


@davidrevoy This is so beautiful and the narrative is wonderful

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