@atomicpoet Yea, I couldn’t see any reason why self-hosting was better in that regard. That also explains another thing: I visited peerverse.space earlier and checked the about page. Couldn’t understand how 8 users could have posted well over 600k photos. But now I guess that’s the total of all photos hosted on your instance, not matter where they originated? @atomicpoet Crazy indeed. That’s close to 10x my private photo storage from 20 years as a hobby photographer. But isn’t there any pruning of what’s stored locally? @jeffmcneill @anders @atomicpoet Yes, there are some good #IPFS enabled Fediverse servers. #Quanta and I believe #Mitra too, to name a couple. And #Wasabi can provide an affordable storage soltion too, that is easy to implement: I hope that helps! #tallship #FOSS #Fediverse #twittermigration #twitugees ⛵ . |
@atomicpoet @leslore Ah, didn’t connect the two threads. Thought you meant that self-hosting was a solution to this the storage issue.